Chapter 7: Darling

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{A/N: Sorry for not updating! I was auditioning for some theatre things. Good news: I made it! Anyways, if you message me, so sorry, but my phone is freaking out. The app just shuts down after I touch the message button. Sorry again!}

The next morning, I woke up in Peter's tent, right next to Trouble. I smile, seeing my dog all patched up and healing. They really do care about him.

I got up and noticed I still had on my clothes from yesterday. I need my bag. Where'd it go?! That's right! Felix threw it into the woods. I bet Trouble would be able to find it. He's not feeling too hot right now, so I'll wait until he's healthy again. In the meantime... "Pan!"

No answer. "Paaannnn!!"

"Fine... Be that way," I mumble to myself. I take off my shirt, leaving my undershirt on. Hopefully that'll do. I decide to walk out and explore. I look around to see the fire pit covered in ashes, as always. I look around for the boys. I wonder where they went. Where do you think my bag went? That is really bothering me now...

I sit on a log and just think to myself for awhile. Soon enough, the boys are back. They have a few cuts and bruises on their faces, but nothing major. "What happened to you guys?"

"Just fought a few pirates," Peter replied.

"Well, if I had my stuff, I would be able to help you..." I say.

"We have it. I had Felix go get it for you. Felix!" Peter ordered.

Felix runs off, coming back in a few seconds with my bag. Peter grabs it, but holds it back from me. "Can I please have my bag?"

"Yes, but you must beat me at a game first."

I sigh. Really? "Well, which game would that be?"

"I haven't decided yet."

"May I choose?"

He smirks. "Sure. Have at it."

"I say we play football."


"Yes. Or as some people call it, soccer."

"What's that?"

I smirk. "I'll teach you. First, I need a ball. Get me some string."


Toodles races off and comes back with some dead plant. It's strong enough, so let's hope it'll hold. "I need a shirt. May I have my bag?"

"No. You can use one of my shirts. Toodles!"

Again, Toodles leaves and comes back with a white, dirty shirt. "Perfect. I also need thirty minutes. Shoo."

"Fiesty. Alright. Men! Off to the tents. I'll stay with (y/n). Keep an eye on her."

Felix glares at me, and then they all leave. "Don't worry about him. He's just not used to 'outsiders',"{😉 I hope some of you get that} he said.

I smile and nod. I look back toward the dead plants and the shirt. I pick up the dead plant and start to create knots in the pattern of a soccer ball. I have to make it small enough to allow the shirt to completely fill the ball. "What are you doing?" Peter asks.

"Making a soccer ball...?"

"You're just like knotting the dead plant. How are you going to undo it?"

"It'll all make sense later. Patience is a virtue, Pan."

He just smirks and sits next to me. We sit in silence because he knows I must concentrate, but I HATE silences, so I try to strike up a conversation. "Is everyone ok? I mean, from the pirate fight?"

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