Chapter 14: Fuzzy Socks!

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We begin walk back to the camp. Well, he carries me back. He didn't want me to walk on my foot. We talk about the past week. We joke around most of the time, but we have the occasional serious statement. He puts me down on his bed once we get back to camp. "Thanks," I smile.

"Of course," Peter said.

"You're my hero," I playfully cooed.

"I know."

"I'm going to change. I got my dagger, be right back."

He is about to argue before thinking twice, and then nodding once. "Be very careful. If you're not back within the next 5 minutes, I'm coming out there."

Trouble barks in agreement as I giggle and say, "Alright, alright. I'll be back before you know it."

I change into my fuzzy pajamas and crawl back inside the tent. Inside the tent, I grab my fuzzy socks and wriggle them onto my feet. "What're those?" Peter asks.

"Fuzzy socks! They keep my feet extra warm!" I say while wiggling my toes. "I think I have an extra pair! Would you like some?"

"I think I'm okay."

"Come on, come on, come on, come on!!"

He chuckles and said, "Alright, alright."

I laugh and jump to get my yellow fuzzy socks. "Here you go!"

He puts them on and says, "My goodness, these are super comfortable."


Trouble rubs up against my socks as I per his ears. I zip up my bag after brushing my teeth and lie down on my bed. I lay there for awhile, trying to fall asleep. I try different positions, but nothing is working. Eventually accepting my fate, I lie still, leaving me to my thoughts.

I think about Trouble and my parents, my old friends and Felix, until my mind finally wanders to Peter.What is my relationship with him? I met him two weeks ago when he almost killed my dog and locked me up. Then the Lost Boys almost killed me. Now, Peter and I are inseparable. We've held hands, we've hugged, we've even cuddled!! I love him, I think we've clarified that. But what about him? Does he feel the same way? Does he hate me? He probably hates me. But I think he almost kissed me in the lake. So what does this mean? UGH! Being a teenage girl is so emotionally exhausting.

Just then, I hear rain on the tent. The sound of the rain lulls me to sleep. It always does.


I wake up to the sound of rain. I also hear footsteps getting father away. I think Peter just left. I look down at where he usually sleeps to confirm my original thought. I quickly throw on my clothes in record time: 2 minutes. I have a large sweatshirt, dark skinny jeans, a beanie, and combat boots. I step over a sleeping Trouble and run outside to see where Peter went off to. My foot is sore, but it's healed greatly. I think Peter put a spell on it last night. I reach up to my cheek and find that the scratch on my cheek has also disappeared. I guess Peter took care of that too.

I see his footsteps in the mud. I follow them and find myself wandering over to the campsite. I see him. He's just sitting on one of the long logs. Just like at the beach. "You're more of a thinker, aren't you?" I say as I walk out of the surrounding trees.

Peter doesn't look behind him, but just says, "Not normally. There's something that I need to tell you, (y/n)."

I gulp, scared of what he might say. Is he going to kick me off the island? Did I do something wrong? "What is it?"

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