Chapter 26

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Y/Ns point of view

I'm sitting on the sofa playing call of duty with Carson while Camila is cooking in the kitchen when I hear someone knock on the door.

"Hold on" I told Carson as I paused the game and walked to the door. I looked through the peep hole and was surprised by what I saw.

"No! ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT!!" I yelled and banged my hand on the door. "This shit is not happening AGAIN!"

"Hey what's wrong?" Camila came up to me and rubbed my back.

"Your fucking crazy ex husband is at our door...once again!" I rushed out the last part as I pointed at the door. "When will he learn"

"Jesus" she took a deep breath before opening the door. I went behind when she opened it.

"What?" I said to Matthew as soon as the door opened.

"I'm not here for trouble. I'm just here for my son. And to give you this" he pulled out and white and gold envelope. I snatched it quickly and ripped it open.

"Your getting married again?" I asked as I looked at the envelope. Camila took it from me and looked at it.

"Yes and you guys are invited. I'm trying to be a better person, and that starts by making things right with Carson and Camila" he said and I squinted towards him.

"I'm trying to trust you" I said. "Carson is in the living room" I told him before I grabbed Camila's waist and moved her out of the way so he could walk in.

"You met someone already?" I asked as I stared at the invitation.

"Well I already knew him. We just got connected again" my eyes widened when he said "he"

"It's....a boy?" Carson asked and I cleared my throat. "You like men"

"Yes I just figured it out" he said.

"Well congrats, on a new marriage I guess" I said and he smiled. I've never been more confused in my life.

"Will you three be attending? It's in a week" he said and pointed for Camila to answer.

"Yes we will Matthew. Since your here, why don't you um" she stopped and looked at me for a second. Such a great actor. "Why don't you invite your husband over for dinner"

"Yes I will call ty right away" he excused himself outside to make the phone call.

"Wow plot twist" I said and Carson and Camila laughed. "I was really not expecting this"

"At least he will leave me alone now. Progress...has been made?" She asked and I shrugged.

"That is one crazy man" Carson said.

"That man is also your father" I told him and he shoved me playfully.

"Carson set up the table and Y/N come help me finish the food" Camila said and we all walked to the kitchen.

A little while later Matthew came in with a tall dark man with a lot of tattoos and dreads.

(Ty dolls sign🤣🤣)

"You must me ty?" I asked as me and Camila shook his hand.

This is so fucking weird. Who would've thought that I'd be meeting my fiancé's ex husbands fiancé. Wow I just confused the hell out of myself.

"Yes I am. Nice to meet you guys" he said. Sksksksksk. "Matthew talks a lot about you" he said pointing at Carson.

"I bet" Carson said before walking to the table.

We all ate dinner together and talked for a while. We watched a movie and just hung out until it was late. Carson went to spend the night with his dad so it was only me and Camila.

"Wow. I can't believe it" Camila laughed. "He getting married to a man"

"Your getting married to a woman" I said and she laughed and grabbed my hands to rest in her hips.

"Yes I am. The most handsome and loving woman in the entire world" she placed a kiss on my lips and smiled.

"What do you want?" I asked a she laughed.

"Nothing" She said as she dragged me to the sofa and sat on my lap. "Actually. Tell me a story"

"Dinah once tried to make noodles without water and almost burned the house down" I said and she laughed loudly.

When she finished laughing it got silent for a second. She dug her face into my neck and took a deep breath.

"Y/N. How did we get here?"

"What do you mean?" I asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Why are we here? Why are you even with me" she asked looking at the ring on her finger.

"Because I love you, and I want to spend my life with you"

"But we are two different people with two different lives. I'm way older than you, how could this even work? Your young and had your whole life ahead of you and you decided to spend it with a middle aged woman" She asked and I actually thought about it before answering.

"I love you okay! When I met you I knew it would work out. We may be different but we still make things work. And yes I had or still have my whole life ahead of me but I went to spend it with you. You make me happy"

"You make me happy too. AND YOU MAKE ME FEEL YOUNG!!" She yelled as she stretched and I laughed.

"You are young baby" I placed my hands on her stomach and looked at the tv.

We ended up watching another movie while cuddling on the sofa. We ate popcorn and talked until we both fell asleep.

Hai, I'm still alive. No proof reading done

Omg there is this Pregnant cat in my backyard that I feed and she likes me now. Like I can touch her and everything. Now I'm just waiting for her to give some muthafukin birth😍

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