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I stare out my window wondering how my life would be if i wasnt they way i was

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I stare out my window wondering how my life would be if i wasnt they way i was .

If i wasnt depressed and sad all the time . If my dad was still here but i know thats never gonna happen.

My dad is never coming back . I will never stop being the way i am i will never get to be happy and thats just
Reality. Something i challenge facing.

My life wasnt always like this . Before my dad passed away i was so happy. Not a care in the world i had a good life. I had nothing to worry about.

My mother and dad were together they loved me but now my mother barely acknowledges me its like when my dad died i disappeared right along with him.

Now that my mom has sebation i dont exist. She only pays attention to anthony i think she loves him more because hes sebations kid but even though i try to act like i doesnt botger me it does.

All i want is my mothers love. All i want is her support , her comfort , and attention but thats something that may never happen

Its like everyone is against me. I wish i had a friend or someone to help me through this tough time but i dont

I dont have anyone who cares for me who loves me . maybe om day i will find someone who does .

As i stare out the window i cant help but cry from the fact that my dads gone. The fact my mother doesnt love me. And the voices in my head telling me to end it all.

Maybe i should end it all but its like something is stopping me from doing so maybe one day i could do it.

Getting up from the window sill i walk over to my closet. Reaching at the top shelf i grab the little black box

Sitting on my bed i open the black box
Which reveals a blade . As i put the blade to my skin i can hear the voices in my head shout "Do it" over and over.

So thats what i did i cut and i cut and i cut until the pain was gone i was numb i wasnt happy but i was ok.

This is how i deal with my pain i do what makes me feel numb so i don't feel to bad yeah its no good but it helps me and i need all the help i cant get.

Looking at tye digital clock next to my bed the time reads 1:14. Realizing i have school tomorrow i lay down and let sleep take over me.

I Just wanna give a shoutout to Wavyyballer Thanks for voting on my book this means so much that you read my book your an amazing writer and i love your stories 😘-J

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