Project ?

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Jasmine pov :

Waking up to my alarm ringing i groan thinking about school. I have no friends at school. Im known as the quiet girl but that doesn't bother me.

Finally getting up i head to the bathroom to tend to my hygiene. I had straightened my hair the night before so i just combed it out at left it how it was.

Dressing myself in a pair of vans Jeans and a simply black shirt.

I head out my room to the kitchen thankfully my "Mother" and chris were sleep.

I actually can get to school on time usually im late because chris and my mom like to beat me in the morning or taunt me.

Heading out the door i start my walk to school which is a good 30 minutes by car its 15. But my mom refuses to drive me she say its a waste of time.

30 minutes later:

Reaching the entrance of my school
I walk into my 1 period class. Sitting all the way in the back. I wait for the teacher to come in.

While waiting i hear the door opening looking up i see Cameron. There he was dressed in a simply outfit but still managed to look amazing.

His long dark brown hair was in braids. He wore a white shirt with a jean jacket. Wearing light blue jeans with some type or writing on it and some blue and white air Jordan's he look hot as hell.

 Wearing light blue jeans with some type or writing on it and some blue and white air Jordan's he look hot as hell

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Cameron pov:

Waking up I just sit there and stare at the wall wondering why god woke me up today .

Getting up i start to feel slight pain im in my arm looking down at my at my bed i see blood all ovee my sheets.

I then look at wrist and realize thata where the pain was coming from. Getting out my bed i head to the bathroom. Leaving my hair in my braids i wash my face and brush my teeth.

Wrapping my wrist in a bandage i starts to get dressed even tho im sad im never gonna let that mess with my appearance. My dad always told me.      "Just because your going through something doesnt mean you have to look like it".

Dressing in a Jean jacket and a white shirt i settle for some blue jeans and my air jordans. Pulling my braids in a ponytail i grab my bag i head down stairs.

While walking down i hear the laughter and conversation getting louder. Finally reaching the dinning room i see my mom, brother and stepdad eating breakfast together

Clearing my throat making my appearance know. "Wheres my food" i ask usually my moms leaves a piece of bacon or something for me.

"Oh sorry honey sebation ate it" my mother says "thats ok I'll just find something at school". And with that i leave out the door. Making my way to my car i head to school .

20 minutes later

Taking my time walking to my first class i stop by the vending machiene. Putting in a dollar i watch my strawberry poptart drop for its place.

(An: dont @ me strawberry poptarts are the best flavor)

Walking into my first period class i notice my teacher isnt here yet going to my seat in the back . As i obsevre the class my eyes land on Jasmine.

There she was looking gorgeous as always even with no makeup she still is prettier than the ones who take hours caking up there face .

She was wearing a simple black shirt. Blue jeans with patches and some old. School vans even in the simplest outfits she still looks amazing. But i would never have a chance.

Even tho my life at home is bad i still manage to keep my school reputation good. Here at school i was somewhat happy i had friends who cared for me and were loyal. Jasmine is quiet in fact i never heard her voice but im sure its beautiful.

Hearing the door open im pulled out of my thought walking in is our first period teacher Ms.Danielle she was a nice lady always looked out for us.

Giving her my full attetion she announces "class we have a project coming up and i will be picking partners" .

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