Toffee pudding

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* A British dessert consisting of a very moist sponge cake, covered in a toffee sauce and often served with a vanilla custard or vanilla ice-cream.*

You groaned as you picked the spaghetti out of your hair. You glanced at the giant red sauce stain that now covered almost half of your white uniform. You sighed straighting yourself up. You didn't have time to change. Maybe after the dinner rush you'd be able to but not now. You grabbed your pin and note pad and headed back out there. Nora directed you over to a table you nodded walking over flipping through your note pad to a clean sheet not even looking up you said "good afternoon I'm Y/N and I will be your server for this evening ". You heard a chuckle "ello darling" a reconizable voice said. You looked up to see it was Freddie Mercury. You blushed you looked around to see the rest of the band as well. Roger teasingly kissed your hand. The band had made the diner you worked a local hang out for years you hadn't seen them since they started working on their first album. Freddie smiled at you "nice to see you dear I'll have the usual". His usual was  spare ribs with onion sauce with a side of yellow rice and a cup of Chi tea. Roger would look over the menu and pretend to be reading everything on the menu but really he'd end up getting fish and chips and a red fanta. Brian would always order something without meat and a black coffee. John usually got a tea with some sort of pastry. You noticed that he had a exceptional sweet tooth but he didn't order any food or tea today. He just ordered water which was strange. You spoke to them briefly. Mainly about the new album they were working on. You went to get there orders and accidentally heard something you knew you shouldn't have. "Oh stop being a baby and ask her out deacy" you knew was Roger voice. "I'm afraid Blondie here has a point you should ask her out if you like her". Freddie said sipping on his tea. "I do like y/ n but how" your breath hitched at John's confession and you walked back giving there food. "Oh miss. Deacy here seems to be out of water would you mind refilling it" Roger teased. Usually you'd give him a smart ass comment but when you looked at John you couldn't seem to make words at that moment and everyone noticed especially John who looked at his feet his face red. "Sure..." You said you felt your hand shaking and John looked at you and you looked down at your exposed cleavage which was now vissable in  your bent over posture. Your shaking caused you to spill water everywhere including on John. Your face turned red. "Oh I'm sorry let me help" you said doing your best but it was all in vain. Infact your pretty sure you were just making it worse. John got up and went to the loo. Roger laughed and you glared back at him causing him to stop admittedly. You felt a arm on you "go after him darling" Freddie voice said trying to give you confidence. Some how in him saying that it pushed you to go after him. You knocked on the loo door but no answer you knocked a second time and the door opened almost hitting you. You swung back hitting your head on a nearby wall as you saw a now shirtless John say "oh piss of Rog..." But he caught himself when he saw you instead of who he expected. He blushed "oh sorry" he said realising you had hit your head. He tried to comfort you but he was to embarrassed by his lack of a shirt. "It's fine I'm sure we have a spare shirt you can barrow" you said. John nodded "stay here I'll go get it" you said before leaving the bassist. What he said next made you both smile "be careful". After going through countless shirts you finally found one  you went back to the loo "knock knock" you said. He opened it "one clean shirt for a Mr John Deacon." You said. He smiled at you great fully "thank God I thought you had run off and forgot" he said taking the shirt. He shut the door opening it he made a Tah-Dah noise which made you laugh. "Not bad Debbie" you said squinting at the old name tag on the shirt. He chuckled. You tilted your head at him "funny you look more like a Katherine or a Virginia". He shook his head . You walked with him back to where his band mates where but when you got there they were gone. There was a note left you both read it. Sorry about your shirt but Roger got sick (probably all those beers catching up with him from this evening) -love Freddie.
"Those bastards" he grumpled. You patted him on the back "it's ok Debbie I can drive you home my shifts almost over I just need to clean up". You cleaned up and you couldn't help but glance up to see John waiting patiently like a little puppy. You smiled in the corner of your eye you saw it. Toffee pudding John's favorite. "I'm done but I got you something" you said. John perked up at the sight of his favorite treat. He went to get his wallet you stopped him "no need it's on the house call it a favor since I ruined your shirt". John smiled "share it with me" you where about to decline when he said "it's the least I can do since I caused you to hit your head". "It's nothing" you scoffed. But his eyes begged you to. "Fine but only one bite" well one bite turned to two then three. Maybe it was the fact you where do tired and hungry from working so long but it was the best toffee pudding you had ever tasted. Finally you two left and you drove him home. John got quiet when you stopped outside his flat. "What's wrong Debbie" you said making him grin. He sighed "well you see we've known each other for a while and I kind of" he stuttered. "Yes...". "I like you" he said nervously looking away you turned his head towards you kissing his nose. "I know I over heard at the diner that's why I split the water all over you" John smiled "thank God"

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