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TRIGGER WARNING: gun violence

A DAY HAD PASSED, and seven of the students were sat by the largest tree in Elmswood Gardens during their lunch period. Angel was off sick, as shown from the dramatic text sent to the groupchat. Oceanus was no where to be seen, and Evelyn was simply grabbing lunch.

"Has anyone got any ideas, then?" Juniper announced, biting into an apple and tossing Rosalie a box of home-grown strawberries.
"Who's been killed?" Evelyn yell-whispered, approaching them.
"I'm not saying anything. Everyone's meant to be here. Otherwise it'll get confusing, and-"
"What? Bullshit, why can't you just-"

Gun violence seemed virtually impossible in Elmswood, as it was a generally peaceful community in the outskirts of London. However, on June 16th at 12:38pm, Evelyn Watson was shot in the leg. No one knew who did it and why, but seven teens had an overwhelming sense of guilt.

Evelyn yelped and fell to the ground, blood slowly pooling onto the picnic mat which she tried to wrap around the wound, with the help of Rosalie. Several of the teens screamed, or just stared in disbelief. There was a very brief moment of silence before it became frantic yelling and police sirens.

Juniper had clutched onto Rosalie out of shock, Anaïs was lost in thought, chewing her tongue. Abel and Yasser were dumbfounded, and Rhys was tightly holding Devon in order to keep him calm.
They were told to leave school premises and stick together, and to visit Evelyn in an hour or so.


All eyes turned to Rhys, as he had quietly broken the deafening silence hanging in the room, despite the occasional sniffles from Devon.

"Angel was ill, but Oceanus wasn't. He wasn't with us. Maybe he's the 'uniform' guy, you know?" Rhys proposed, immediately regretting this, as he could practically see the anger rise from Anaïs and Abel.

"Just because he plays Call of Duty doesn't mean that he owns a fucking gun," Abel grinned, the thought amusing him, "Oci wouldn't hurt a fly."

"I thought we agreed that this 'uniform' guy wasn't real in the first place," Anaïs grumbled.

"Did you not hear the call that I got yesterday? Whoever they are, they're watching us. They can probably see us right now."

"Listen, we won't blame anyone yet. I told Angel and Oci what happened and they're both on their way to the hospital," Yasser sat, shaking his leg.

"I'm telling you," Rhys began, "this is so suspic-"

"Shut up! Eve's been shot and you guys can't shut up about this stupid game!" Devon yelled, shoving Rhys' hand away from him.

"Eve's thick-skinned, she'll be fine, Devon," Juniper quietly reassured him, expressing to Yasser, through passive-aggressive eye contact, that this was not the time.


The nine of them (Angel and Oceanus had since arrived) crowded in Evelyn's hospital room, Rhys and Devon stood by her bed. The bullet had been removed and Evelyn would have to stay for two nights, the nurse had said before she left the room.

A police officer arrived, periodically asking for two of the teens to come out of the room for a moment.
"Do either of you recognise this?" She held a crinkled up note, reading 'MIKE' in scrawny handwriting. "It was found in Miss Watson's locker and it's being sent for testing, we'd just like to know if you might have something to do with this."

Evelyn woke up confused, dazed and worried. The sight of nine also-worried faces didn't really help, but it did calm her down a little. She must admit, Evelyn was grateful for her friends. Her family was lacking, you could say, though she didn't blame anyone for it.

The Watsons were an average family of 6, until Evelyn's mother and two of her siblings were involved in a car crash.

This broke her father; he gradually became an alcoholic, losing his job. Evelyn stayed with her elder brother, until she was 16 and she'd found that he had packed his things and left. Evelyn became more and more cold, distant and reserved as time went on.

So of course, having friends like Rhys and Devon was the most important thing to Evelyn - people who could comfort her, make her laugh, distract her, and she would be able to return it. It's what kept her sane, having someone to trust.

"Oceanus," Rhys had brought him outside, "where were you?"

"You want my honest answer?"

Rhys nodded.

"Fine, I'm sorry! I was at Hatley's without you all, I didn't think you guys liked it there!"

"...You went to Hatley's?  You were drinking at 12:30?"

"Look, I'll buy you all drinks next time we go, just- please don't say anything!"

"What, you were bartending at midday?"

Rhys rolled his eyes, but agreed to cover for him.




Tagged: @evywatson @junebug_ @devonwest @yassser @angelcake @anaïsdroit @rhysnotreece @rose.gardens @abelmakkonen @sinkinginfire


blue <3
lol what. stop tagging evelyn


swagadelic vv
wheeler 😎😎😎


dami tu cosita
no sweetie! rebuked 😔👊💯


also i have no idea what the twitter replies are, i just wanted to include a few people who are pretty cool 😎 ily

let me know if i should add anything! and also any way to improve my writing. thanks dude

hope you enjoyed episode 3 of hannah's shit writing series

bye <3

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