Break-up Part 1

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Y/N Pov: I wake up hoping to see Demi asleep next to me but I was alone once again. For the past few nights Demi hasn't been home she says she's at the studio, but now I'm not so sure. I look at my phone  to see that it's 4 in the morning with no miss calls or messages. I get up and fix myself a snack knowing I'm not going to sleep anytime soon. I was tv surfing when I heard the front door open.

"Demi hey babe how was the studio." I asked

"Y/N what are you doing up and I don't want to talk about it" said Demi

"Okay, Demi I was wondering if you're not busy tomorrow would you want to go out?" I asked

"I can't I have interviews, and have to be at the studio again."

"Okay well whenever you are free let me know." I say with annoyance in my voice

"What's wrong with you Y/N? asked Demi

"Nothing Dems I'm just tired haven't been able to sleep that well lately " I said

"Ok well I'm going to shower and then go to bed night." she said

"Hey Demi when you get out the shower do you think you can sing me to sleep?" I ask

"Really Y/N you know I've been at the studio for the past few days, my voice needs a rest and you want me to sing to you. Ugh your so selfish no I won't sing you to sleep you're not a baby." she said

"Oh um ok I'm sorry I wasn't thinking goodnight." I say with sadness in my voice.

Before I even finished my sentence Demi was already upstairs. I go into are room and try to fall asleep, but Demi's phone keeps going off. I go to pick up her phone to turn it off but I see that a guy named Max called and texted her. I don't know anyone named Max besides Demi's bodyguard, so I decided to look through her phone and see who he is. Now I trust Demi completely but lately I just have this gut feeling that she's hiding something from me.

I'm looking through the messages between them and I can't believe it she's actually cheating on me. I couldn't even read all of the messages what I saw was enough.

 I couldn't even read all of the messages what I saw was enough

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I put Demi's phone back where it was and started packing as much as I could

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I put Demi's phone back where it was and started packing as much as I could. I've cleaned out majority of my side of the closet, cleared out my drawers, and left my promise ring next to her phone with her a note. I have all my things packed into the car and was about to leave but felt like I was forgetting something. Then it clicked I left my dog Kiki, I ran into the house grabbed her and drove off. I was just driving and driving and realized that I came to a stop. After I got of the trance I was in I realized that I was in my house well it was my parents house but they died so now it's mine. It felt nice to be back in my family home I felt safe. I walked in and the house still has that same smell. I was in the bed cuddling with my dog trying to fall asleep but my phone kept going off. First it was Demi calling me and then I saw that Chloe, Sofia, and Lauren called me as well. I turned my phone off shutting out the whole world and just cried myself to sleep.

Demi's Pov: I got into the shower feeling absolutely horrible, I hate the way I've been treating Y/N lately but I have an reasonable explanation. I was thinking of a way to tell her everything, but then I heard my phone going off. I get out the shower and get dressed I walk out into the bedroom and see that Y/N isn't in bed. Hmm maybe she's still downstairs. I go to pick up my phone when I see that Y/N left me her promise ring and a note underneath.

The note said "I'll always love you"

At this point I'm confused until it finally kicks Y/N must have seen the messages I start to panic and look all over the house for her. I went back upstairs and realized that Y/N left and took almost everything she owned. "Damn I really fucked up" I said to myself. I decided to call Y/N best friend Chloe.

Chloe: Hello Demi is everything okay it's 5am Chloe said

Demi: Um not really Y/N thinks I'm cheating on her and she left

Chloe: what do you mean she left what the hell did you do Demi

Demi: Nothing well I've been seeing this guy named Max but it's not what you think. He's crazy and has been threatening me, so I'll date him and Y/N saw our text messages.

Chloe: Okay Demi um the only place she can be at is her parents house. How about you meet me at my place and we'll head over there together.

Demi: Ok I'll be over in 10 mins

I arrive at Chloe's place and we take her car to Y/N's place. While in the car I explain to her everything. How Max threatened to kill my family and Y/N.

"Demi why didn't you go to the cops with all of this?" Chloe asked

"Because he knows everything and said he would've killed anyone I told." I said

"Wow well will figure something out when we tell Y/N she'll know what to do." Chloe said

We pull up to where Y/N's parents house is supposed to be but nothing's there it's just an open field and a sign saying that there is going to be a new development of houses here.

"If she's not here then where can she be." I asked

"She's here Demi she owns the land and I know Y/N she'd never sell this place. Also, her location says that she's here." Chloe said

"But it's an empty lot there'd nothing there how can she be here." I said starting to get upset.

"Demi relax you know Y/N is a tech junkie and a secret agent most likely this is just an allusion. Watch she picks up a rock and throws it and a house appears. See it's just a hologram she must have the machines in the woods so no one can see them. she said

Wow okay let's go explain everything I hope she's willing to listen I said

We walk up to the house and out of nowhere we're falling and it's pitch black. All I remember is hearing Chloe scream and then blackout.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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