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The door creeked open so we got under the covers. Then hayes walked in.

"WOAH UM IM LEAVING NOW" he saw us nder the covers obviously naked


He walked out without saying anything. We quickly put clothes on and went downstairs.

Everyone was still swimming. Hayes just sat there glaring at us.  I wonder if he told. I really hope he didnt. Gilinsky did a back flip in the watter. I had to admitt that was sexy af and his eyebrowns are on fleck (hahahahahahahah). Matt kept his head down and looked at his phone. If cam found out we would be DEAD and im not kidding. I really liked Matt i really liked him it was more than justa crush. Whenever he walked by i got butterflies his smile made my day his laugh was perfect and his hugs made me wanna jump off a clif. I think this was serious i needed to talk to Matt.

Cameron Dallas SisterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora