Chapter 13

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February 2017 | N O W | Something's Missing

"As crazy as it sounds, Val, I just really don't think that they're doing anything behind your back." Kellie said to me, shaking her head, as we walked along the path that was nearly killing me.

It was like, no matter how big of a step that I took, I never was able to walk alongside her. I hated that Kellie was so athletic and I was so unhealthy. She was killing me and she knew it, but when she was in her zone, she often forgot that I was flailing behind her.

She stopped walking, realizing that I was damn near out of breath and nearly grasping on the bit of wind that I had to stay up and keep up.

"I mean, Sterling just isn't Charleston and I just don't see that type of person in him. I think he's actually one of the good guys and your perception all because of what Monice did in the past is getting to you."

She bent over to stretch a little and turned to look at me as if I were supposed to be stretching with her. Instead, I held my water bottle up to my lips and took giant sips, letting everything that she was saying sink in.

"The devil is testing you, girl. Don't let him win." She said to me as she stood back up and held her arms up.

Shaking my head, I look up to the sky, praying to God that she was right.

"It's just weird. She's being so secretive about some guy that she met at Sterling's office, but he doesn't even recall seeing a man there that she described to me. And her description fit Sterling to the T, Kelz. And it's only been a month since things ended with Yosef. I don't know if she's just trying to get a reaction out of me to make me sweat or if she's just filling a void." I contemplate.

"She's probably not. Not even a little bit. Not everyone takes long to move on. It was definitely sudden, but maybe she needs it. And maybe she's being secretive because of the situation between her and Yosef. What do they say these days? No face, no case?" She giggled.

I sighed, hoping that she was right.

"Just don't put much thought into it."

"It's easier said than done." I mumble.

"You know what you need?" Kellie said with a big smile on her face, showing her perfect teeth. "Let's go for mimosas."

"Really?" I laughed.

"Yes. I could definitely go for yogurt and granola with a side of tipsy bar."

I rolled my eyes, playfully.

"So, I'm telling you about what I'm going through and your first thought is getting me tipsy just to have me even deeper in my feelings? Smart." I joked.

She gave me a big cheesy grin before taking my hand and pulling me along with her to finish up our walk.

A little after Kellie and I had our drinks at Lori's, I headed home to get some house cleaning done. And I figured that Monice would be at the office with Sterling or something, so I would have the house all to myself. But what surprised me was that Monice was walking down the stairs with a suitcase to her side.

When she saw me standing to the door, she looked at me as if she didn't intend to see she'd been caught. And the fact that she looked so guilty, it made my blood boil just a little.

"Where're you headed?" I asked her, curious to know. More so suspicious.

"Well, my friend wanted to take me on a little trip for the weekend." She said to me, a little guarded herself.

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