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Thats what I feel

I feel as if im going to fail

As if ive already failed

Im out of ideas

Im lost

I dont know anymore

My life just seems pointless

Like im only here to suffer

Why do i have to suffer

Why do I have to feel guilty

Why do I have to feel like a failure

Why am i being yelled at

Why do I have to fail

Why cant i ever win

What is the point

I dont know anymore

Im afraid

Afraid of everyone


But most of all


im my worst enemy

and I dont know how to change that

I want to but i cant

Why cant i just be ok

Be normal

Im tired

Tired of living

But I dont want to die either

I dont know exactly what i want

I guess just to not have been here in the first place

I wouldnt have to choose

I dont want to chose

What if I chose wrong

What if I do something I cant take back

I crave it

I crave the feeling

I want to

But im afraid

Afraid of what will happen

The blood

The tears



Why me

Why does everything i do get me nowhere

im numb 

Im dont even feel alive to begin with

Everything has become a way of death

I dont know what to do 

im lost



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