wing of a monster........Chapter 6

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wings of a monster........



Anitor Aniel........ The man I despise, my enemy of all enimies was standing in front of me. I felt my blood boiling inside and I wanted to kill him then and there. "Hello Caleb" he said with a twisted smirk on his face. I kept my cool and replied "Sir Aniel what brings you out here to the dark side." He looked at Jenny and answered. "Well it seems I may have some bussiness to take care of, the council has informed me of a angel being turned...and i'm just here to do my job you know." "Yes, Anitor but you know the deal...Once she is on the dark side she must accept it..." "Your highness" he replied."You may be prince but she has a cannot force her to stay with you and become a monster."


Did he jut say your highness...and prince. Well Caleb has some explaining to do. And im guessing they're talking about the choice I have to make. I looked at Caleb and he was deep in disscussion with this man. He growled at him and took my hand pulling me back towards the car. We hopped in and he was speeding back towards the mansion. "Caleb why did that man call you a prince and your highness". We stopped and Caleb ran in the mansion collapsing on a chair. "Jenn please I don't have time for this". "No you listen here Caleb, you've been hiding things from me for too long. It's been 3 months that I'm stuck here and I know nothing so you better do some explaining now!!". He looked puzzled and scared. He looked at me and said "okay". He started of telling me about myself, the change and how he planned to kiddnap me. He told me about magical beings and the history of the underword, he had a pained look on his face and told me about how his parents died and then....he told me he wasn't a Fallen. He told me he was a demon. Prince of the dark world, only air to the thrown. "Caleb I don't care what you are you can be a hobo for all I care!!" "Im making my choice and it i to tay on the dark side..."


"Jenn are you sure about this?" I aked and she nodded in reply. I felt a smile cross my face. "C'mon then you've had a long day of to bed with you now" I said. She went upstairs and hopped in bed. I sat awake all night thinking. Looking at the full moon. Aaah it looked so good but it's the light I missed.. Now I was damned to a life of eternal darkness. Although I could go out in the day like I did with Jenny, the light of the underworld is much weaker than that of earth. I could never appear in the sun there or else I would have to burn a painfull slow death turning into nothing but sinfull ash. I removed that thought and walked outside. Stalking the night like in those of childrens dreams. Perhaps I was the boogyman they all feared. It is I who casts shadows in their bedrooms and it is I who feed of the fear and souls of others. I felt my eyes flash colour and my senses harpened. I spotted a tiny animal outside and I waited....I jumped forward devouring the creature with one blow. "Yum" i thought and walked off.


I woke up to see Caleb standing infront of me with a cute small and fluffy kitten in his hands. "Awwww Caleb!!! This is for me?" He nodded and the lil cute kitten snuggled in his arms. Aaaw I never knew he loved animals but then as the kitty pured at him he growled at it and threw it at me. "Caleb!!!!!". "What, it wanted to attack me." "Caleb kitties dont attack they're too cute". He rolled his eyes and stormed out. "Aaaw don't worry about the mean man, you're cute and I love you to bits Mr snuggly poo." I put him down and went to dress. When I came down I was looking for mr. snuggles. "Mr. snuggly poo my lil cutie where are you?" "Honey I'm right here, but I think you can just say snuggles." "Very funny Caleb but I was talking about my kitty cat, where i he." "Oh so I'm replaced by a cat now". Whatever I replied. I went into Calebs bedroom and saw Mr. snuggles collar laying on the ground. Then Caleb walked in and coughed up a hairball. "You ate mr. snuggles!!!!" I yelled. "What I was hungry,besides I'll get you another one" he answered. "I don't want another one I want my snuggles".

The next morning Caleb stood in front of me with a fluffy rabit, this time I named it Lucky and tied it up in my room. After three days it was missing and when I asked Caleb he swore he didn't know anything. Then later that nignt I saw it!!! He had lucky in his mouth. the poor things ears was still hanging out. He walked over to me and told me pets wasn't much his thing. I cried and he stood there comforting me while devouring Lucky further.



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