Chapter 7

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Jeanne Alter stared at Archer with clear distrust.

"Hmm... On the side of good huh...?" Jalter said staring at Archer with complete distrust "Hmmm..." She said still not trusting Archer (Considering what happened the last 2 times she encountered an archer, I'm suprised despite being calmed down, she didn't burn Archer right where he was)

"Well, I can understand your distrust." Da Vinci said sympathizing with Jalter "Still, the fact that he risked his life and protected Red remains unchanged." Da Vinci explains

"Is that so?" Jalter asked slightly surprised "Then fine. I won't trust you, but I'll acknowledge that you're accompanying us." Jalter says trying to brush off the fact that she still doesn't trust Archer

"I still don't acknowledge that you will be accompanying us." Salter declares

"If this Shinjuku Archer is going to accompany you, I should be allowed too, right?!" Jalter asks in a very angry tone "Or rather, saying that after trying to recruit me like this sounds strange to you." Salter says

" the first place, you are always noisy. The sounds that your armor and chains make are too loud." Salter explains making Jalter gain a tick mark on her head

"What're you saying? You too-" Jalter tries to insult Salter before realizing Salter's clothes ", what's up with that clothes? Seems quite stylish, for someone like you." Jalter complimented instead of insulting Salter "Well, it's not like I'm curious or anything. Why are you wearing that kind of clothes?" She asks (A very tsundere way to ask) "Not that I'm curious." She says avoiding eye contact

"What are you saying? This is Shinjuku." Salter says suprised "A Servant should wear garments suitable to the time and place." Salter explains "A certain spearman that I knew would wear a simple aloha shirt, but it somehow suits him to an unbelievable degree." She says as she thinks of a certain blue lancer (*bleep* ga shinda!) "Therefore, I should also wear suitable outfit like that. There is no problem." Salter says

"Hmm... Hmm... I see... Hmm..." Jalter says while thinking

After considering something, Jeanne Alter suddenly spoke with a smile.

Jeanne Alter:
"Ah, hey. I'll change the topic for a moment." Jalter says to move on from what was just talked about "Seems like there's a suspicious place over there." She says pointing at a place (aka a clothing store

"Suspicious?" Mash said confused as she scans what Jalter is pointing at "Umm, it seems like a normal ruined boutique to me..." She says

"No, please don't underestimate the instinct of this Jeanne Alter." Jalter said trying not to give away what she was doing "There is definitely something there."

"...hou?" Salter says looking at where Jalter is pointing "...something there... I see..." She said understanding what and why Jalter is pointing at that something

"Anyway, because of that, I'm checking it out! Wait here, if you leave, I'll kill you." Jalter threatened them as she heads towards the location she pointed out

Jeanne Alter ran towards the 'suspicious store'

"Wait, Jeanne!" Mash calls out to Jalter

"Subarashii."  (Subarashii also means Wonderful) Archer said happily "This frank way of speaking feels quite fresh." He claims

"...she's too hasty that I can't even think of a way to stop her." Salter admits

"Let's wait." Red says to which Assassin nods and they both stand still waiting for Jalter

Archer frowned.

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