Part one

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This will be in Cecilia's pov it may differ tho
My name is Cecilia redfield yes I know I'm related to Chris redfield but I'm Claire's younger twin anyway we are in her motorbike on our way to raccoon city on a search for our brother Chris what sucks is it is night and is raining.

Claire is in front I'm on back holding her torso we get to a gas station where Claire wants to use a pay phone to call our friends and stuff to tell them we are ok.
"Why do they always think we will get into trouble" Claire says
"I don't know but I hate how they say double the trouble" I say
We go into the gas station and well it isn't normal I guess that's a way to put it.

We look around o find a man on the ground with this huge bite mark in his neck

"Stay here we will get you some help" I say as Claire and I continue we see two revolvers so she hands me one and takes one for herself then this guy but he doesn't look like a guy comes at us trying to grab us I shoot him.

We grab a key and open a door and run a young good looking guy hehe no kidding pulls his hehe gun out at us

"Don't shoot!" Claire and I yell

"GET DOWN!" He yells as he shoots something from behind us

We follow him out and go into his car

"My names Leon Leon Kennedy what's yours" Leon says

"I'm Claire Claire redfield and this is my sister Cecilia we are looking for our brother" Claire tells him

We head for the police station as Leon claims they will know what to do.

We continue down the street until a truck comes out of nowhere and crashed into us

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