The Snowstorm

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Class 1-A was outside training. Japan had been hit with a huge storm the day before and the grounds were currently covered in snow. Aizawa didn't care and everyone was in their warmest coats and jackets in their attempts to stay warm. Out of nowhere and with no warning, another snow storm hits Japan. The class rushes inside the building. Uraraka trips on someone's feet and crashes into Midoryia and the two fly through the open doors and roll across the floor. The doors slam shut and the lights flicker above them. Midoryia rubs his head and looks down to see Uraraka in his lap. His face heats up and he stares at her. Uraraka groans and rubs her head. She opens her eyes to see Midoryia's chest and freaks out jumping off of him and hitting the wall behind her.

"Uraraka are you okay?" Midoryia asked.

"Uh-huh! Totally fine!" Uraraka says as she tries to cover her bright red face.

They both turn to the doors when Kirishima rams himself into the doors. He looks outside to see Todoroki and Yaoyorozu stuck outside in the freezing snow. Midoryia rushes over and rams into the door with him.

"Guys stop!" Todoroki shouts.

"We can get it open!" Kirishima shouts back and rams his shoulder into the door once again.

"We'll be fine. I can use my quirk. Take shelter inside," Todoroki says and grabs Yaoyorozu's hand and hurries off out of sight.

"They're going to freeze!" Kirishima whines.

"Are they going to be okay?" Uraraka says.

"They'll be fine. Todoroki can use his fire quirk to keep them warm and let's hope they find shelter somewhere on the grounds. We'll look for them when the storm calms. Now let's head back to the classroom," Aizawa said and started walking down the halls and back upstairs. The class follows with a few turning back to look out the doors at the raging storm.

Uraraka stands close to Midoryia who is muttering to himself about something.

"Whatcha thinking about Deku?" she says. He stops muttering and turns to her.

"Just making some calculations. If they're correct, the storm shouldn't last too long," he replied.

"That's good news," Uraraka replied.

They continued to walk next to each other without saying anything. Aizawa led the class back to their classroom. He wrapped himself in his yellow sleeping bag and told the class to do whatever until the storm ended. He fell asleep behind the desk and instantly people started talking.

"I wonder if Todoroki and Yaoyorozu found some shelter," Tsu said.

"They most likely have," Tokoyami replied.

"I wonder how Yaoyorozu is reacting," Jirou said.

"Why do you say that?" Uraraka asked, now interested in their conversation.

"It's obvious Yaoyorozu likes him. Ever since the practical exam," Jirou said.

"She's not the only one with an obvious crush," Mina said and turned to Uraraka.

Uraraka's face turned red and she turned to look at Midoryia.

"You are really bad at hiding it you know. I'm surprised he doesn't know already," Tsu said.

Uraraka squealed and accidentally sent herself floating toward the ceiling.

"Are you okay Uraraka?" Midoryia called up.

"Yeah!" she squeaked. She let herself down and slowly her face returned to its normal color. The girls thought they had enough teasing and started talking about what they would do in the snow when the storm calmed down.

"I wonder if they're going to let us go home from the weekend so they can clean up the school grounds," Mina said.

"They might. I don't think they would keep us students trapped in our dorms for the weekend when we could at least go out and get some training practice if we really wanted to," Tokoyami said.

Everyone continued to hang out and talk with one another until they heard the wind outside die down. They peaked out the door through the huge windows and noticed the sky was clear.

"Someone should wake up Mr. Aizawa," Kirishima suggested.

"On it!" Kaminari said and started shaking Aizawa.

After a couple of minutes, he slowly woke up and pulled himself out of his sleeping bag. He took a look outside and ordered the class to find Todoroki and Yaoyorozu and go home after they were found and safe. Bakugo started leaving the school grounds and was quickly followed by Kirishima, who kept trying to convince him to at least help them find Todoroki and Yaoyorozu.

Uraraka and Mina wandered off towards one of the training buildings and Midoryia and Tsu made their way under the building. While searching they found two figures asleep laying against one of the supports of the building. They walked over and recognized Todoroki and Yaoyorozu. Todoroki stirred awake and looked up to see the two staring at them.

"You two look comfortable," Tsu said.

Midoryia swore he saw Todoroki blush. Maybe the cold?

"The school is letting us go home early today and over the weekend. I suggest you take Yaoyorozu home," Midoryia said.

"Right," Todoroki replied.

"See ya," Tsu said before bouncing off, quickly followed by Midoryia.

They found the rest of the class talking about where Todoroki and Yaoyorozu could be until they noticed Tsu and Midoryia.

"Did you guys find them?" Uraraka asked as she ran over to Midoryia.

"Yeah. Yaoyorozu fell asleep and Todoroki is going to take her home. We're free to go now," Tsu said.

"Yay!" Uraraka cheered.

Tsu bounced off and joined Mina, Kaminari, and Tokoyami.

"Do you have any plans Deku?" Uraraka asked.

"Oh um, not really. I didn't think about what I was going to do when the storm hit," Midoryia replied as he rubbed his neck.

"Oh. Well, we could go to a park and play in the snow. It's rare that we get this much snow," Uraraka said.

"Sounds fun! When should we do it?" Midoryia asked.

"We could do it tomorrow! I have to head home and gather all my snow supplies and probably buy some new ones before I can do anything. And maybe a warmer coat," Uraraka said as she rubbed her arms.

"Great! See you tomorrow then?" Midoryia said.

"Yeah! I'll text you then," Uraraka said.

"Great! Bye Uraraka!" Midoryia said before running off toward the front of the school.

Uraraka felt like she was about to pass out. Did she just ask Deku out? He was going to hang with her tomorrow. Maybe she should invite some friends to go with them so it wouldn't be so awkward. She turned around she laid her eyes on Ilda. She ran over to him and broke him from the conversation he was having with Tsu about hibernation.

"Hey Uraraka, do you need something?" Ilda said.

"Do you want to hang out with me and Deku tomorrow? We're going to head to a park and take advantage of the snow!" Uraraka said, begging he would say yes.

"Sure! What better way to spend the weekend than with friends in the snow!" he said.

"Can I come?" Tsu asked.

"Sure!" Uraraka replied.

"Will you let me know tomorrow which park we're going to be at?" Ilda asked.

"Yeah. See you guys tomorrow!" Uraraka said before backing up and turning around.

"See ya!" Ilda and Tsu both said as Uraraka ran home.

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