A Huge Storm

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That night Uraraka burst through her front door and hurried to her bedroom to find every single bit of winter clothes she could find. She had a puffy jacket that was still in good shape as it had barely been used. She searched some more and found a good pair of snow gloves that would allow her to play in the snow without immediately getting her hands cold. She also found some good boots and a nice warm pair of pants. She tossed them onto her bed and collapsed on top of them. Her cheeks were warm and a bright shade of pink. She was going to hang out with Deku tomorrow! Sure she invited a bunch of friends so it wouldn't be awkward, but it still sent butterflies in her stomach. She then just remembered she should tell Deku that she invited more friends. She hoped he wouldn't mind.

Meanwhile, Midoryia was walking back and forth across the living room as his mother tried to calm him without laughing.

"Is this a date mom? Did she just ask me out on a date? What do I do? What should I say to her? Is it just going to be the two of us? Should I invite some friends?" he muttered as he continued to pace across the room.

Inko tried very hard not to laugh out loud. "Izuku there's nothing to worry about. Did she ever say it was a date?"

"Uh, no?"

"Then it's probably not a date. Now stop acting like you're going on one and just act like you're going to have a nice day with your friend tomorrow that you so happen to have a crush on," his mother said turning her face so he couldn't see how close she was to laugh.

"Mom!" Midoryia cried and covered his face with his arms.

"I'm just saying. The way you talk about her makes it obvious you like her," Inko said, now cracking a smile.

Just then Midoryia got a text on his phone. He pulled out and freaked out dropping it when he saw it was from Uraraka.

"Oooh did she text you?" Inko said and picked up the phone to hand to her son.

Midoryia's face was bright red but he took his phone and opened the text.

'Hey, Deku! I decided to invite some friends to hand out with us tomorrow. I hope that's okay'

Midoryia tapped quickly on his phone to reply, not wanting to keep her waiting long.

'No not a problem at all! Who did you invite?'

'Iida and Tsu'

'Okay. Where should we meet up tomorrow?'

'I don't know. Should we ask if Iida and Tsu had any ideas?'

'Okay. I'll make a group chat real quick'

Midoryia looked up just for a second to see his mother staring at him with a grin on her face.


"Oh, I'm just happy my little boy is getting a girlfriend," Inko replied and got up to head to her room."

"Mom!" Midoryia cried as his face became redder. He turned his attention back to his phone and made a group chat with him, Uraraka, Iida, and Asui.

'Hey guys, where should we meet up tomorrow?' he said.

'Excellent! A group chat!' Iida said.

'I was thinking we could all get breakfast together at this nice bakery place I saw close to the school' Asui typed.

'Oooh, that sounds fun!' Uraraka said.

'Sounds good to me. What about you Iida?' Midoryia said.

'Not the best thing to have for breakfast but I guess it wouldn't hurt for just one day. I'm in'

'Great! What time?' Uraraka asked.

'What about we meet up at 9:30 outside the bakery? I can send you guys the address' Asui replied.

'Perfect!' Uraraka said.

'Meet you guys there then!' Midoryia said before putting down his phone. He went to his room to see if he left his warm clothes here. He found his winter jacket, some gloves, and some boots in good condition. He set them on his dresser and laid down in his bed. He couldn't believe he was going to spend the day with Uraraka tomorrow. Yeah there was going to be friends but it was probably still going to be awkward.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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