My Black Boy Joy

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A/n: I'm really scared to write this book. So please bare with me.

Y/n's p.o.v

Dark chocolate skin that looked as smooth as velvet, bright golden brown eyes that looked like they were filled to the brim with honey, and a smile on his face that looked godly.

He was an angel, my Kendrick, well not really mine yet but we sit next to each other in biology class. He was gone today though, the seat next to me was cold and empty for a little bit that's what my heart felt like. Kendrick was probably just a little sick yet I worried. He'd never know of this worry of course, he's shy and I never want to bother or scare him. He's quiet but his presence is louder then I am. I usually walk in and announce myself dramatically but he always makes a bigger entrance then me, the way he walks in dressed mostly in black, his muscler arms budging from his short sleeves and small gold chain around his neck with a watch to match. One word sums up, 'wow'. The bell rings and I walk out of my class alone. The few times I've talked to Kendrick we had to work together on a project and we spent lunch hour in the biology room alone. I almost had a heart attack. His hands were so close to mine and he were inches apart, he gave me smile as he watched me work. It was perfect, I wish I would have kissed him that day. He made me laugh a lot that day, his sense of humor was amazing and so was his laugh, deep and genuine like his eyes.

I walk to my lunch hour alone and sit alone. I wonder where Kendrick could be, and if my joy was thinking about me too.


After school I was free to go do whatever I wanted, of course being home by 12:00 pm. My mom and dad don't play like that. I go to the skate park after walking to the corner store for snacks. I sit on a bench with my bored and watch the boys skate, I'd join but last time I got pushed by some asshole so I sit and wait to see if he's here today. I eat my snacks, watching the boys pull tricks and talk with each other excitedly. I see whether or not that asshole was there so I skate, so I grab my bored and dive nose first into the pit. I pull a kick-flip and add a 360 for spice, even though it looked pretty bland. So I try an nollie and almost fail and fall a bit. Some kind stranger catches me, I turn to thank them but the words get caught in my throat. I look up to see Kendrick, his soft smile greeting me.

"Kendrick, I didn't know you skate." We sit on the edge of a ramp no one uses anymore. "I don't, but my little brother does. He's over there in the half pipe." He points to a tall fourteen year old practicing an inward heel flip. "Oh that's cool, have you ever tried though?" I ask trying to make conversation. "I used to skate a lot but I stopped when Gerard, my little brother, got into it. I always has to take him with me so it wasn't fun anymore. Now my mom won't let him go alone so I'm stuck here with him. It's still not fun." He had a bitter distain in his deep soft voice. I felt bad for him, I loved skating more then anything but I was the youngest so I just came here on my own. "I'm pretty sure if you join in it'll be fun, how long has it been since you lasted skated?" He smiled but looked thoughtfully at the ground when I smiled back. "It's been two years since I stopped skating, I still roller skate though." He seemed proud of it and I gave him a smile. "I've never roller skated a day in my life." He gasped, his face looking genuinely shocked. That soon subsided into a peaceful looking smile, he cocked one eyebrow. "So could I take you the skating rink sometime?" His voice was warm and smooth as his words cirested all the right cords for my heart and mouth to say yes. Yet I fumbled over my words. "S-so like a date?" He smiled, "If you want it to be, honestly I've been meaning to ask you out." My heart was beating so loud I bet the dudes all the way across the part could hear it, felt like I was gonna have a heart attack. I smiled uncontrollably, "Then it's a date. Can I have your number so we can talk more about this?" He nodded and I gave him my phone. He put his number into my phone and I did the same, he laughed as he saw me name him 'sk8tr boi' as a joke. He named me 'sk8ter gurl' after that we sat talking about school and watching his little brother skate, Gerard was good for being so young. He looked a lot like his brother. Beautiful dark skin, almost golden eyes and he had a pretty smile too. Gerard was going to be gorgeous when he got older, but I focused on his brother as we got to know each other. Soon the sun was going down and Kendrick's mother was calling him to see if we was coming home so we said our goodbyes. I could stay out til midnight if I wanted, but I was running low on snacks so I went home too. Kendrick hugged me before he left, he was gentle when he held me but firm around my waist. His brother teased him as they walked away, I laughed to my self then started to skate home on my own.


When I got home I had a text from Kendrick, also my friends but I ignored those for a bit while I looked at it.

Sk8tr boi: I know it's late so I'll text you tomorrow, but I wanted to say goodnight, see you at school tomorrow 💕

Me: goodnight Kendrick, sweet dreams 💞

I threw my phone on to my bed and almost screamed, we' sending heart emojis now? For real, for real heart emojis and saying goodnight? I was reeling with joy, he's finally mine! Well not yet, but we are so much closer to him being mine then before. Soon I'd be dating the most handsome boy in our school. I texted the group chat to tell them what I'd done, or rather what Kendrick did at the skate park. Finally I'd be a little closer to my black boy joy.

A/n: this took way to long to put out forgive me for working slow, art block is making me it's bitch right now. Hopefully more soon- Ire

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