Who needs a Celestia when you can have TROLLESTIA! She can seriously do anything to you, Subject
, Pony, or whatever, What will await her in the adventure with Luna!
Yes i did it, I actually had a idea to continue this series thankfully since i have ideas! Now, i guess we shall continue what we started!
So, as they entered the throne room, They noticed that Thorax was murdered by a Lenin Ripoff, Chrysalis which taked over the Changelingian Empire before, Though both Luna and Trollestia didn't excepted that to actually happen.
- Wow, Looks Tasty - Said Trollestia, Looking at the Cake.
- Well, How about we just go away from Changelingia somehow, And regain our Driver's License? - Said Luna.
- Who needs that Luna? You can have sPoRtS! - Said Trollestia.
- Well um, I hate sports..They are boring as the halls of Tartarus. - Said Luna.
Suddenly as they were arguing about what they shall do, Chrysalis entered the throne room, Noticing them.
- Do i sense..ANTI COMMUNISTS??!?!?!?? - Said Chrysalis, In Anger.
- Um, ok. - Said Trollestia, Trying to eat the Cake.
Chrysalis would get in a huge fury! And we all know what she had..
- Well, Alright if you really want to fight me, then do it..Because i have something stronger..
Orginal Characters!
Now both Luna and Trollestia knew they were in trouble, And they started to hear the footsteps of Orginal Characters running away..They also started to run away with the Cake.
- What we will do?! - Said Luna, Running as fast as she could.
- Escape somewhere else, Isn't that a option sister? - Said Trollestia, Eating the Cake in the meanwhile.
Both of them ran away from the Orginal Characters, which looked Edgy and Ugly, But suddenly they had a idea.
- How about we will use something Chrysalis cant?.. - Said Luna, Having a pretty good plan in her hands.
- You mean that thing, Sounds Fun. - Said Trollestia.
Both Luna and Trollestia decided to say something Chrysalis couldn't and it was..
"GOAnimate Logic."
Both Trollestia and Luna started to run away way quicker than the OC's that chased them, Also destroying the Border Patrol which was always closed.
- Alright, Where are we? - Said Luna
Trollestia would answer: Do i know? But i guess it's a..
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Made by YW (Your Waifu~)
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