"Trollestia the Driver, And also Space Communism."

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Welcome, To my ALMOST new series of Trollestia, Yeah yeah, You can check in description that she will not be alone, But she will also be with Luna, Because why not? So shall we finally start our Book, Hm? Of course!

"Celestia, What are you doing!" Said Luna, Trying to stop Trollestia from driving.

"You added a fake car plate! Now we will be locked by Officer Saucy Meal."

"Luna, Stop being Tasty." Said Trollestia, Smiling at her.

"This can lead to a new world of cars, Who needs some subjects anyway?"

"Your being stupid, Sister, I will make Luna Land where everyone will be happy as a Moon Fanboy/Fangirl!" Said Luna, Proudly.

Both Sisters Argued about it, Because ya know, NAIGHTMORR MUNN, But we shall CONTINUE, Of course!

Both Trollestia and Luna passed through a Changeling Border of Chrysalis herself.

"Oh no, We are in danger." Said Luna, Looking at the roads.

"This was bassicly MINE plan to go there, So I can steal Chrysalis Cake." Said Trollestia, Because Cakes are complete fun!

So both the Big Ladies as i call them got into Changeling border control, BECAUSE CHRYSALIS LIKES COMMUNISM.

"Weew Weew Weew SSSSSSSSS." Said the Border Control of Changelings

"Let me explain, My stupid Sister got into that Border." Said Luna.

"Sounds Tasty." Said Trollestia.

"Welcome to Changeling Communism Then, It's full passport!" Said One of Changelings.

So both Trollestia and Luna got into Communist Changelingia, Where they seen the.. MEANS OF PRODUCTION.

"wth bro what is this" said Trollestia

"It's uhh, USSR?" Said Luna.

Both of them finally got into Chrysalis Castle, With their Ponysche.

Both of them finally got into Chrysalis Castle, With their Ponysche

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Trollestia: Luna, Officer and "Rusty Books"Where stories live. Discover now