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Throug Wrong Lines 



It's four o'clock and I am here, barely waked, listening the rain and my thoughts. I am not sleepy because her face drives me to a new world.

I could judge interesting keep with this but my night must have an end.

Isn't about any lane or street be my way, must be the way. I will follow my mind, but I don't know if my mind could follow me.

Something fell outside my house, can't be someone there. It's raining but I looked at the window to have sure. Everything dark. Now my acception isn't with her. For while.

Wait! -- I listened a sound through these fucking tears of the rain. A door's sound. I am very scared and my heart it's beating fast.

My cold coffee near my desk, pencil, pages and lyrics that I was composing to my love.

And thinking fast about our moments. My city is famous for have thiefs and gangs, assaults and bad things. There is no a "state peace of mind'.

Passed one hour of tense scene the little boy fall into sleep. His mind is explosive and the duality is his best friend, or not. A better place to he should be far away from her and the rain.

The rain is back and he don't wake yet. The problem is that the rain it's making a huge noisy, the window is open, the door was opened too. 

2014 Copyright RBX Group America

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2014 ⏰

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