➵ XXX. One Wish

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Monday, January 15th, 2018, 7:30am

Guys Dont Like Me - It Boys!

Killian's POV

"WAKE UP, CHILDREN OF SATAN!" We shout, running down the hall as loudly as possible.

Zaine, Chase, Rhea and I then run downstairs, hearing multiple groans from the people where asleep a few seconds ago. I love getting on people's nerves. Especially the nerves of the rest of the Royals and our guests.

Walking into the kitchen, I start pulling things out of the cupboard and pantry to make pancakes and bacon.

"Oh no you don't," Zaine says, grabbing the pancake mix out of my hands and pointing to the stools at the fairly large island in center of the kitchen. "It's your birthday, go sit your ass down."

"Changeling-" I start to protest, wanting to help.

"Ah ah ah." Zaine cuts me off. "Sit, Flash. Relax."

He pecks me on the lips then moves away to start making pancakes, his movements graceful and smooth. Sighing, knowing he'll force me to sit, I sit at the island, watching him basically dance around the kitchen as he makes breakfast, softly singing Chandelier by Sia under his breath.

Chase and Rhea are in the living room, watching TV. Judging by the voices I hear from the show, they're watching Jake and the Neverland Pirates.

Slowly, couple by couple come in to the kitchen, all of them looking mostly ready for the day ahead if they didn't look half-dead. First is Rei and Asher, followed by Clove, Raiden, Scott and Dean.

"Happy birthday, Flash," Clove says.

"Do you always wake everyone up at these ungodly hours?" Asher mumbles sleepily after everyone else wishes me a happy birthday.

"Oh says you, Ceniza," Raiden grumbles. "You usually wake up at fucking 6:30."

"That's when I have work to do," Asher bites back, sitting beside me. "When I can, I don't get up until 10."

When Raiden goes to reply, Zaine cuts him off by loudly belting out the chorus of Chandelier. Everyone sends him glares, complaining that it's too early for noise.

Dean starts helping Zaine with the bacon, his green hair messy, but his eyes bright and awake. Once breakfast is done, most people sit at the table, while me, Zaine, Asher and Rei sit at the island, the table not having enough seats.

"So, what are we doing today?" Scott asks.

"Visiting Stitch!" Zaine says happily.

"Who?" Raiden asks.

"One of the puppies rescued from that animal abuse case," Rei explains.

"And we're going laser tagging later," I add, grinning.

"Hey, remember the last time we went laser tagging?" Dean asks, looking at Asher, Raiden and Scott.

"Which part?" Asher replies, grinning. "The part where I won repeatedly and put all of you to shame, or the part where Wardog screamed bloody murder when Thunder shot him?"

Huh. So, not surprisingly, Asher is the one to watch out for when we play.

I can't wait.

"Guys don't like me,
These guys, they don't like me,
These guys don't like me
Cause their girlfriends...
Guys don't like me,
These guys, they don't like me,
These guys don't like me
Cause their girlfriends do
Do do do, do do do do, do do do."

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