➵ XXXVI. Finally

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Saturday, February 17th, 2019, 12:00pm

Rei's POV

Another scream escapes my lips.

The pain is unbearable. But it can't even begin to compare to what he's probably feeling.

It never crossed my mind that they would do that to him. But since Valentine's, it's happened three times. I can only be glad it hasn't happened more.

I can feel Dad's arms around me tightly as the pain finally stops. Tears stream down my face, sobs wracking my body.

He's hurting so badly. And I can't do anything. Being so helpless feels so bad. I can't help my mate. I can only sit here and feel pain that must be miniscule compared to his.

Lyria told me what they're doing to him. That when Daring has asked why, Thatcher had said "I'm not just making him hurt. I'm breaking him down mentally, piece by piece. Giving him memories that will stay and torture him for much longer than the pain of the whips or flames. You just have to put them through enough trauma, and they'll be easy to manipulate."

Thatcher's got to be trying to brainwash him. I don't know why, but if Asher's dependent on him, and being broken down like this, then brainwashing is the only thing I can think of that could be a reason why. Other than the fact Thatcher's twisted enough to do it just for 'fun.'

I hate it. I don't know what to do, or how we can find him. Everyone is anxious, we all want to find him. I need him back here with me, and safe. I hate that I'm so helpless.

I'm drawn from my thoughts by Zaine coming sauntering into my room.

"It's not fair," he grumbles. "It's probably Ice taking out her pain on us. How is that fair? Huh? How the fuck is that fair!" He looks around the room wildly, eyes narrowed in anger. "Come out and fight me, you sadistic little bitch! What the fuck is wrong with you that would make Ceniza deserve that! Anyway, I know you're probably feeling like shit, Reina, so I won't even ask, but we're all worried about you, and the others are fretting downstairs."

I nod, trying to stand. "It's alright. I'm fine."

"Don't spew that bullshit," Dad scolds. "You're not fine. No one could be if their mate was being raped. If you were fine, I'd be sending you to whatever asylum Zaine escaped from."

"They still haven't found me," Zaine adds jokingly. "Now, if you're well enough, we should head downstairs and tell the others to calm their tits."

Dad helps me stand on shaking legs and together we walk downstairs. In the living room, Clove, Killian, Chase and Rhea are helping to calm the horribly distraught Raiden, Scott, Dean and Carrie. Not saying that the rest of them aren't distraught, but knowing Asher longer and better, and from Carrie being his mom, those four are more anxious and upset than the rest.

Raiden's eyes lock onto me as soon as we enter the room, his eyes worried and concerned. "Rei."

Everyone turns to look at me, the twins running over worriedly.

"OK?" Rhea asks softly, taking my hand.

I nod. "I'm OK."

Anyone can see that's a lie. My eyes are probably red from sobbing, and my posture is slumped and depressed.

"We need to do something," Carrie says. "Even if it's just search randomly at this point. The longer Asher is with them, the more they'll break him. I'm not giving up and going down without a fight."

"We're not giving up," Dad says. "Ever. We'll find him, dead or alive."

"Alive would be strongly preferred," Dean mumbles, making the rest of us nod.

As I sigh softly, I hear my phone start ringing. Clove uses her power to get it for me so I don't have to get up again. Taking my phone from its position floating in front of me thanks to Clove, I see it's a number from the other side of the country. I decide to just let it go to voicemail. When the same number calls back immediately, I sigh and answer it, hoping to make whoever's calling to stop.

"Rei," Daring's voice is urgent.

I perk up instantly. "Daring? Why are you-"

Hearing his name, everyone's eyes shoot to me, wide and flickering with hope excepting to be crushed.

"I don't have much time," he says hurriedly. "But we're done. Four, Max, AJ and I. We're switching sides. Trying to get us to rape someone is way over our line of dos and don'ts. Thatcher just unchained us."

"Just unchained you?" I repeat. "After three days?"

I hear him sigh. "Yeah... He's my brother, I've known him my whole life but... It's getting out of control. The past few months I've noticed he's getting worse and... I'm not a really good person, I know that, but Thatcher's taking it too far. I don't want people to suffer on this level."


"I know you probably don't trust me, but I swear to the Moon Goddess, I'm telling the truth. Rei, we're at Shadownight's old pack house," Daring hurriedly. "There are a lot of rogues around, guarding the place. Alix and Falcon have become like Thatcher's personal guards. Alix is a warlock with the ability to temporarily or permanently remove someone's senses, from himself or anyone. He was the one who took away all of Asher's when he first woke up. Falcon is well, a falcon shifter. And-"

I hear a door slam in the background, and the calls ends suddenly.

My body stands quickly, mind racing as I start pacing back and forth.

"Shadownight," I say softly, "they're at Shadownight."

"The pack wiped out a year ago," Scott murmurs.

I mind-link the other Alphas, reaching out to their minds.

Rei, what is it? Nick asks, sensing my racing thoughts.

We know where he is, I say. Daring just called, they're at Shadownight's pack house.

What? River growls softly. How would they have gotten him there so fast? They must've taken a plane, you can't run there is two weeks.

How do we know Daring was telling the truth? Drake asks.

He swore to the Moon Goddess, I reply.

It's an unbreakable promise. You don't die if you try to break it, but you'll find yourself doing whatever you swore even if you don't want to, like your body goes on autopilot.

So we know where he is, Blake says. How do we save him?

I think for a few seconds, a plan already forming in my mind.

We can go by plane and fly over, and land a way away so Thatcher doesn't know, I say. Some of my rogues can be there. We might still need to bring some pack warriors though.

Got it. I'm in, River says.

I'm not even done explaining, I say.

And? River replies. We stick together. Of course I'm coming to help save Asher.

Me too, Drake says.

Me three, Nick pipes up.

I'm in, Blake adds. We're all coming with you, Rei. We're not bailing out.

I don't reply for a few seconds. They really are good friends, the five Alphas. They're willing to fight and risk their lives to help save Asher, when nothing is forcing them to.

Alright, I say softly. Then here's what I think we should do.

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