44|1; the second chance

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n o t e

hey, loves! welcome back. just want you guys to know that when i write, i don't place a strong bias to one character alone. in fact, it's either i love all of them or i don't favor any one at all. in this case, i'd like to develop another perspective in order to raise the stakes that would make the story more effective; i hope.

let's see where this goes.





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{ part one }
the second chance

AT 11:30 IN the evening, the mellifluous, honeyed tones ricocheted through the walls of the cabin. The sound of the piano was so hauntingly beautiful that Paige couldn't help but get swept away.

Paige got up, her fingers curling the thick blanket down to her waist. A slight confusion made its way onto her face as she gazed outside, the snow falling so lightly like a feather beyond the window pane.

She wondered if Owen was still awake.

And quite frankly, she'd been turning to her bed from one side to the other as she thought of the chances she didn't take or the things she missed that might be something good–ever since she left Owen downstairs after they both called it a night two hours ago.

Right after a candlelit, sumptuous dinner with a bottle of wine on the side, they reached into a decision to watch a movie together. Owen had flipped through the channels, and they found none worth watching. So he raided into the wooden shelf where the HDTV was perched on, in a quest for some good 'ol movies.

"Huh," he'd huffed, standing up with one hand on his waist, the other holding up a CD. "Serendipity?"

She'd gasped in mirth. "Oh, yes. That's a good movie! I don't know if you'd like that, though. It's a romantic movie, so."

Shrugging, he cocked his head and simply said, "Alright. Let's watch it."

"But guys find those kind of movies boring. You tend to sleep halfway through it."


For some unexplainable reason, they'd settled into a cozy silence as they nestled themselves into the couch. Paige fished a chip out of the bag she'd grabbed on the way before the movie started, and offered the junkfood to Owen. He waved it off and pulled the blanket from his side so he could give it to her.

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