Chapter 3: The Council

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I wake up by Mason's loud breathing. Looks like we fell asleep on the couch inside. I'm lying on his chest. I quickly get up and rush to the kitchen. I make myself a cup of coffee, and sit outside on the edge of the porch. Yesterday night I decided to stay, not go back to Canada. My grandma was thrilled. It's a little odd to be back. Old memories and old feelings are coming up again. Like with Mason. Every time we're together, especially when we touch, I get this feeling... the same I had in college. Maybe I'm starting to like him again.

'Hey.' He says while sitting down next to me. 'So when did it happen?' I ask him and he takes a deep breath. 'A little more than a year ago. It happened in a bar fight. Some of my friends thought I was going after his girl. He just kept coming at me. Again and again. It was self-defense. I pushed him, he had a bad fall. Next thing I know, I'm going crazy.' He says and I bite my lip. 'Were you going after his girl?' I say with a laugh. 'No of course not. He was my friend. Besides, I was seeing someone myself.' He says and I almost choke on my coffee. 'But that's all in the past.'

'ROOOOOOOOSE!' Tyler yells from in the house. 'Out here!' I say and he runs out. 'There's a school carnaval tonight, I thought you guys might like to come with me, have some fun, play some games.' He asks and I nod. 'Yeah, sure! We should get some distraction anyways.' I tell Mason. He nods as well. 'Great! I'll pick you guys up around dinner!' He says and then runs out again. 'I have to head over to Carol. She has some old family stuff of us still there, from the founders party day whatever.' I say and Mason laughs. 'Alright, see you later.' He says and I nod. After a quick shower and a change of clothes, I get into my grandma's car and head over to the Lockwood mansion.


'Hey darling.' Carol says as she opens the door for me. 'Hey, how are you holding up?' I ask her. 'Better. I'm acting as mayor until the selections now, so I kind of have to.' She says and I nod as I follow her to the office. 'Here it is. I'll make some coffee, just check if everything's there, maybe I missed something.' She says and I nod with a smile. I open the big wooden box, and look at all the old journals. I take them out of the box, and take the smaller boxes with jewelry out of it. I open them. The first one contains a beautiful necklace. It's silver, with a half moon on it, and a stone next to it. I take a closer look at the stone. It's the same stone as my ring, a moonstone. While taking a look at the necklace, I notice it's the same as the birthmark I have on my shoulder. My grandma said it's the crescent mark; all the wolves in our pack used to have them. So that means everyone in my family with the gene has it. I quickly check the rest, and then take the box and head over to the living room.

'Now that I'm mayor, I need someone to lead the council. I thought that could be you.' I hear Carol say as I come closer to the living room. 'Of course. But one question... Will Mason be joining the council?' Damon. 'No. He didn't want anything to do with it when he lived here, so I have no interest in involving him now.' Carol answers. I knock the door softly before entering, and their heads turn. 'Oh, hey Rosalie.' Damon says, with a smirk, again. 'Ah, the two of you have already met!' Carol says. 'You know Rose, Damon is also one of the founding family's, he comes from a really good one. He is also such a nice young man, and single!' she says and I raise an eyebrow. 'Aunt Carol, are you trying to set me up here?' I ask and we all laugh.

'Well, I sure wouldn't mind.' Damon says with a wink, making us all laugh a little louder. 'Not a big fan of Mason, huh?' Damon asks Carol. 'Not really, no. As long as I have known that kid, he just did whatever he wanted. He came whenever he liked, and went away as easy as he came again. He lived with us from when he was a little kid, until he left for college, and he was never an easy kid to deal with. He was aggressive, had a big mouth and like I already said, always did whatever he liked. When he and Rose went to college, we thought it would better him, but we thought wrong. He dropped out and just moved to Florida. Just like that. Rose on the other hand, did finish, and got a good job back in Canada. I would hate to see him have a bad influence on her.' She explains.

'So, what are you, back in Canada?' Damon asks me. 'A detective.' I say with a smile. 'Ah, so you're good in solving puzzles.' He says and I laugh. 'Really good, actually. As we're talking about it anyways, I have some questions.' I say and Carol frowns. 'I know about the council. I don't want in, but I don't want to get updated about everything.' Both of their eyes widen. 'How do you know about the council?' Carol asks me. 'Well, first of all, like I said, I'm a good detective. Second, My family is one of the founding families.' Carol nods. 'Why do you want me to keep you updated?' she asks. 'I'm just not a big fan of vampires. Like all of you.' I say while staring Damon straight into the eyes. I can see him think. 'Well, it has been nice.' I say and I press a kiss on Carol's cheek. 'Bye Damon.' I say with a wink before leaving the house.

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