Chapter 4

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We're finally in Auradon.
Jane takes Ben and Jax for some important discussion.
"You do whatever is best" Ben says to Mal.
Evie takes Mal and me.
"We need to talk" Evie says to us.
"No.." Carlos says.
We look back.
"No?" Evie questions.
"You girls always go in a huddle me and Jay are tired of it" Carlos argues.
"I'm not" Jay says.
"We use to do a lot together...I'm not stoping that now" Carols says.
"Everyone sit" he adds.
He sits on the ground and we sit too with him...
"I don't know how to start girl talk" Carlos says.
I snicker... "Sorry"
"What up" Jay shrugs.
"I'm a mess...I mean I was stealing candy from babies now everyone wants me to be queen of the court" Mal sobs.
"Then Don't" Carlos replies.
"Told you this was dumb" Jay says.
"No" I speak up.
"We're always going to be kids from the isle but that doesn't stop us from changing" I continue.
We all leave and Jay goes back.

I see Jax and head towards him.
"Hey Jax.?" I say to him.
"Yeah..." he says looking through some colours.
"Wanna hang out?" I ask.
"Look H I'm kind of busy...sorry...I will hang out soon but right now I have some important things to do." He replies.
"Okay..that's fine.." I say smiling.
I turn around and my smile turns upside down.
I head into Evie's room.
She's busy...with her boy.
I run to Carlos' room.
And pull him.
"Hey...if a boy says he's too busy for you does it mean I'm being clingy or should I leave him alone for a while" I blurt out.
He seems confused.
He talks to me for a while.

That Night...
I was alone and everyone else was dancing.
"Hey..." I hear a voice from behind.
I turn around...Jax.
"Hey.." I smile at him and then look down.
He tilts my chin up and looks worried "what's wrong?" He asks.
"Am...I I being too clingy?" I ask.
"No,..of course not" he replies.
"Why?" He asks.
"Na...nothing I'm fussing for no reason" I reply.
"Go on.." he says.
"I just felt you were getting sick and tired of me..." I say.
"Never...wouldn't ever dream of it" he laughs.
He hugs me and I hug him.
Then the guards announce Mal.
She looks beautiful...
We all cheer.
Especially us lot.
She's family...
Me and Evie bring Mal down.
Then they announce Ben..
We all cheer again.
We bow.
Mal walks to Ben and they both bow.
"Mal...I wish I had time to explain" Ben says an looks back.
Out from behind Uma comes.
Everyone gasps.
"Dude what are you doing?!" Jax says and walks forward.
"Look something happened a connection at the isle" Ben says.
"Mal..." I say walking to Mal.
Uma takes Mal's hand.
"I just wanna thank you, for everything" Uma hugs Mal.
"That's why you never told me you loved me because we weren't suppose to be together" Ben says and starts dancing with Uma.
"We're with you Mal" Lonnie says.
"Come on" Jay says.
"Seriously?!" Jax nudges Ben with his shoulder.
"Leva whim" I say and take Jax.
As we were walking up the stairs, they reveal a portrait of Ben and Mal.
Ben and Uma look.
"Ben did that" Mal asks.
"He loves the real you Mal" Evie says.
"Why don't you tell the present you had for me Ben" Uma says.
"Uma will be my lady at the crown court" Ben says.
"Son" his father (beast) interrupts.
"NOT NOW DAD!" Ben shouts.
Everyone gasps.
"And as a present I'll be bringing down the barrier of the isle of the lost once and for all" he adds.
More gasps fill the air.
"Ben has been spelled" Mal says.
"Uma found your spell book" Evie adds.
"Ben look at me" Mal says.
"Ben look at me" Uma says.
"Ben I didn't tell you I loved you because I was scared I love you Ben I've always loved you" Mal says and they kissed.
"Mal" Ben says.
"True loves kiss works every time" Evie says.
Uma tries grabbing the wand but fails then rushes over to the side of the ship.
Mal tries talking Uma out of what she's about to do...
"Do not let your pride get in the way of something that you really want" Mal says.
Uma jumps out onto the ocean.
The obsidian waves swirl up and all the water drenches us.
Uma turns into a turquoise sea monster.
She tries grabbing us.
Mal's eyes turn green.
"Mal?" Ben asks.
A purple type of smoke fills around Mal and she turns into a dragging.
Mal and Uma fight as creatures.
We all tumble left and right as they keep both fighting.
Suddenly, Ben dives into the ocean.
"Ben!?" Everyone shouts.
"Jax?" I ask as Jax takes his blazer off.
"Jax What are you doing?!" I shout.
Jay,Carlos And Evie look at us.
"Look I'm sorry but I need to help them" he kisses my cheek.
And then jumps into the ocean.
"Jax?!" I shout.
I hug Evie and she hugs me.
We all wait and listen...
Ben and Jax Talk Uma out of destroying everything.
Uma returns Ben's ring as Ben and Jax climb the ladder.
I hug Jax.
"Don't ever do that again" I say.
He laughs and hugs me back.
Then, Mal comes back to human form and both Ben and Mal bow.
Mal walks down the stairs to meet Ben.
They both kiss.
"I owe you guys so much" Ben says.
"Yeah.." we all say.
"Actually...there's a girl names Dizzy she's like a little sister to me" Evie says.
"Yeah she can come" Ben says.
"And there's a lot of kids like us who deserve a second chance" Evie adds.
"They shall all come then" Ben says.
"Mal we found your spell book, Uma had it" A servant says.
"I won't be needing this anymore...fairygod mother this belongs to the museum" Mal hands her spell book to fairy god mother.
Then Mal splashes water at Ben and Ben does the same back.

Jax pulls me aside.
"Hey...remember when I said I was busy...I was choosing out the perfect item for you..." he says.
He takes out a box and opens the ring.
"Would you be my girlfriend" he asks.
I gasp.
Ben,Carlos,Evie,Mal,Jay And Lonnie all laugh.
"Yes for a million times" I say.
Jax puts the ring on me and kisses me and then hugs me.
It had a red gem with a heart...
"And this..." Jax takes out of his blazer.
A picture made with Glass of me and him...
They all cheer.

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