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You gave me a tissue
A tissue you said
I could sniffle into
A tissue you said
I could cry into
A tissue you said
I could rely on

A tissue you called

A tissue is
After all
A tissue
Flimsy paper, easily torn
Just like
The promises we made

And when a tissue is tugged a bit too hard
What you have is tissue no more

But pieces of useless lingering paper
Called pain
And regret

So why a tissue?
I ask you

Why a tissue at all?

You saw no issue
When you gave it to me
So why see an issue with it

When its torn


Why not a shoulder
that i could cry into?

Why not a pillar
That i could lean on?

Why a tissue?


Because a tissue is like those you call "friendships"

acquaintances in actuality, but generously called


Easily Crushed

Easily forgotten

But a shoulder and a pillar

Are not as flimsy or weak

Because they are not what you call "friendship"

But what you call


-Hetzgerd Oakenferl

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