We Are Weasley

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 Hello Wattpad, I hope you are reading this note! You see, this is just an idea that I am trying out. I very much love the Weasleys, and I think it would be excitng to display their lives - starting from the  beginning. I have a slight focus on the twins - just so the story will make sense. 
Anyway, I really need some feedback on this. If I don't think anyone like's the story, I will not continue to write it, so please, let me know how you feel! 
Thank you!
Oh, I do not own anything that has been thought of originally by the fabulous JoAnne Rowling.

Chapter One:

    A scream rattled through the burrow as young Ginevra had just awoken from a very short, newborn sleep.  From in the shrinking living room, the remaining Weasleys seemed to be in a state of chaos. In the floor’s center, Molly – still plump from pregnancy- could be seen growing weary of fighting to put clothes on her young toddler, Ronald. Floating above was a rather rank nappy that Arthur Weasley levitated away with a swish of his wand a disgusted wrinkle on his otherwise friendly face.

     “Yuck, Mummy,” a red-headed boy spoke as his twin chased an enchanted toy-elephant. Molly ignored the protests as she finally secured a flannel-onesie onto her sleepy toddler.

      “Mummy!” The small boy demanded again, “It’s stinky!” Molly sighed, but a smile crept between her rosy cheeks.

      “Fred,” began an older boy with the same red hair, shooting a knowing look at his distressed mother. Fred looked at him with creased eyebrows and a long frown on his three-year-old face.

      “No Billy!” Fred told him as Bill made his way to pick up the freckled-boy. Molly grinned and approached her two sons with Ronald drooling in her arms.

      “Here, Bill, would you mind putting ickly Ronnikins in his crib?” She cooed. He nodded and took the baby from her, immediately beginning to play with him as he maneuvered up the stairs of the cluttered Burrow.  Molly now looked down at Fred, who had his arms crossed and a grimace plastered on his round face. “I’m sorry Freddy,” she told him while dabbing her finger on his little nose lovingly. When he didn’t seem to lighten much, she took a different approach. “I heard there’s a monster coming,” she told him with fake alarm and growing eyes.

      “A monster?” repeated Fred loudly. His two remaining brothers stopped in awe. George, his lookalike, dashed beside him and sat in front of his mother.

     “Is it a troll?” asked Charlie, who was nine and normally very quiet compared to his boisterous siblings. Percy had crept into the room, holding a worn, old bear tightly between his arms. His hair was ruffled, and he wore an old footsy of Charlie’s.

     “Troll?” He repeated and immediately began to cry.

     “Not a troll.” Molly shook her head and allowed Percy to fall into her arms. From above his shoulder, she winked at Charlie. He sat on the couch with a stuffed Dragon crawling around his limbs. For a moment he pondered.

     “Perhaps an ogre?” he suggested this time, his Weasley features filled with both fear and hope. Percy began to cry harder, but his mother soothed him by running her hands up and down his back.

     “No-,” she told him quietly, before getting cut off by an excited George who was now standing with his arms up in the air.

     “Bu- but maybe itsa,itsa DRAGON!” He exclaimed, jumping as he hit the last word. Fred looked at him with terror in his little eyes before copying his twin brother and jumping around in place. This time Percy ran away, yelling for his father. Fred and George cackled loudly as their brother sprinted into the kitchen.

     “I like Dragons,” Charlie stated quietly, sulking at the toy which inched happily along his lap. His ginger bangs fell into his face.

     “It’s far worse than an innocent Dragon,” she told them. Fred and George stopped in their place and stared at her with matching expressions of awe. “It’s,” she whispered, “the,” pause, “tickle monster!” Her hands captured the twins into her embrace and quickly found their ticklish tummies. The two of them laughed hysterically and lost control of their legs in fits of giggles. She attacked their necks, sides, stomachs, and feet before stopping for a moment and leaning down close to their ears.

     Suddenly the three of them were attacking Charlie in all his sensitive spots until they had laughed themselves silly.

    “We got you, we got you!” George sang, giving Fred a high-five. (Something they’d learned from their older brothers) Molly kissed each of their foreheads and sighed appreciatively. The cries of her daughter had ceased some time ago, and only now did she realize that her husband and oldest son stood in the kitchen, talking about his first day of Hogwarts that was coming the next morning. She gathered Fred and George in her arms and headed for the room the two boys shared on the second floor.

    “Goodnight, my lovely boys,” she sang after she’d settled each of them into their small beds.

     “I love you, Mummy,” George called out.

     “I love you even more, Mummy,” came Fred.

    “I love you both more than the Sun,” Molly told them, this time flicking her wand at the lights so that the room was dark.

      “Really?” asked Fred, disbelief and wonder consuming his little voice.

      “Oh yes,” she smiled, “forever and ever and ever.” Molly shut the door behind her, leaving the twins to sleep for the night – they would be up early for their first trip to Platform 9 and ¾.

      “I love you, Fred,” George spoke as he yawned and curled into his blanket.

      “I love you, George,” Fred responded, looking out the cracked window at the night sky, “forever and ever and ever.”

    “My darling boy,” Molly’s voice echoed as she walked back into the kitchen, where her husband and eldest son were still in heavy conversation about Bill’s upcoming magical education. Charlie and Percy had been tucked into bed by Arthur, who now held his lone daughter. Molly placed her hands on Bill’s boyish, bony shoulders from behind. “They’ll think I’ve starved you,” she frowned.

     “Mum, if I ate anymore I’d explode,” Bill told her, raising a slight snicker from Arthur. In his arms, baby Ginevra had fallen back asleep.

     “Ah, you haven’t been to Hogwarts yet,” Arthur chuckled. His eyes were jovial and his hair thick. Both he and Molly screamed of youth and care, despite the tremendous amount of struggle they’d forced upon themselves.

      “Your father is right, Bill,” Molly set a single hand lightly on Arthur’s arm, “I couldn’t forget those meals if I tried. I think I had plum pudding thrice a week. And at least once treckle tart as well.” She was lost in the days where she sat beside Arthur Weasley in the Great Hall.

     “Might put your Mum to shame,” Arthur said, smiling deviously and receiving a punch to the arm from Molly. “Only joking, only joking,” he surrendered. Bill began to laugh.

     “Ronnie Midgeon told me there are loads of witches my age,” Bill smiled. Upon seeing Molly’s glare, he quickly added, “And wizards. I’m excited to make more friends.” His pale, freckled face was splotched with red.

      Arthur added, “That’s my son,” only to be punched again.  He smiled apologetically, but winked at Bill. “I did meet your Mum in Hogwarts.” Molly held a dazed grin.

     “Yes,” she agreed, “your father- the romantic.”

     “Gross, Mum,” Bill closed his eyes as his parents exchanged a loving peck. “I’m going to bed.”

     “I love you, Bill,” Molly called out to him.

      “Sleep well boy, we have a big day ahead of us.” Bill nodded, and smiled to himself. He skipped up the stairs and left his parents alone in the still-lit kitchen.

     “They grow up so quickly,” Molly’s eyes had begun to water, and she caressed the contour of Ginevra’s face.

     “Before you know it, Charlie will be in school,” Author added while shaking his head in disbelief.

     “And the twins – Merlin help Hogwarts,” she laughed a bit, “They’re already trouble.”

     Arthur wrapped his free arm around Molly and watched his daughter sleep. Not long after, the two decided it was best to call it a night, and headed off to a night of light slumber.

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