Harry Potter

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I think this chapter is short, but I couldn't resist! It was really exciting to write. I hope you all enjoy it, assuming some people read this, hahah.

Oh, goodness, I might be going insane.

Lots of love, Wattpad.


Chapter Four:

     "Harry Potter?" Arthur stuttered, half in shock. Disbelief encompassed his entire being. How, he wondered, how could an infant....? Molly snapped him out of his daze.

     "But James, and Lilly?" She whispered, her thin lips forming a very distinct frown. The man affront her sighed and shook his head either way. The scarring on his face was distracting, but they paid no care. 

     "Where is he? We could take him," Arthur suggested. This child was an orphan and a hero. A real shame it was to lose his parents so quickly in life. Molly nodded beside her husband. 

     "Dumbledore says he has it under control," the scraggly old wizard told them. He had a crazed sort of appearance. He was an auror and a prominent member in the order. James and Lilly were as well. 

     "He-who-must-not-be-named," Molly's demeanor greatly changed as she spoke, "defeated." She began to grin. "He cannot kill anymore," she sang, her arms cheering and flailing above her head, "those deatheaters have no leader. We can live normally!" She hugged Arthur in relief, her eyes brimming with unfamiliar, happy tears. 

     "We've been rounding up the deatheaters," the man informed them with a demented grin. "In fact," he continued, "I best be off to work. Good day, Arthur, Molly." He tipped his hat and walked past the garden. 

     "A very good day, Alastor!" Molly giggled happily. She turned back into her husband and whispered into his old robe, "a very good day indeed." She exhaled heavily and settled into him. We made it. My family is alive and well. For the first time in ages, she could relax.

     The two reentered the house to find four urgently awaiting boys sitting on the couch. Ron and Ginny were each sleeping, and the combination of the two made the house oddly empty, and very strangely quiet. The two parents overlooked their curious sons for a moment, before Charlie piped up for the sake of his brothers. 

     "Is," he gulped and let his voice drop considerably, "you-know-who gone?" His brothers looked up anxiously and awaited the response of their parents. 

     "Yes," Arthur picked up George and sat on the tacky couch with the twin on his lap. Percy was snug to his right. "He is gone." 

     "What happened to the bad wizard?" Fred asked longingly, his big eyes searching for explanation of the shift of events. He had seen so much at such a young age.

     "Well," Molly settled on the ground in front of them, "we don't know exactly. He tried to kill an ickle baby - about the age of Ron!" The boys gasped collectively. 

     "But he couldn't," Arthur's voice was proud, "little Harry Potter survived the horrible spell, and it headed right back to You-Know-Who himself!" He playfully ruffled the hair on George's head.

     "That is positively barbaric!" Percy announced. He often used elevated vocabulary, and spent most of his free time reading - or else asking his parents to read to him. 

     "Barbric?" Fred laughed at him, "what's a barbric?" Charlie had begun to role his eyes. It was always the twins versus Percy. Though, usually he took the twins' sides, even if they were only three.

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