A bruise will never truly fade.

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I have always felt like a piece of a puzzle that you find in a charity shop that has been put in the wrong box. I never truly fit in with my family, I didn't feel like I belonged anywhere. I tried my hardest to be like one of them, I now feel lost. I'm no longer trying to fit in, I'm now a part of nothing. Tears encompassed my eyes until I could no longer hold them in. "Hey Dom, are you alright. Your mum is waiting for you on the ward." "Hm, which one." I grunted loudly as Essie come to sit next to me on the step. "I know this is hard for you Dom, but you do need to sort this. Why don't you go and talk to Ange, let her understand who you are. I'm sure she's interested to get to know you." "I don't know what she will think. I haven't got anything good to say about me. The only person in the world who ever made me feel like I was any good at something was Arthur and he's not even here to tell me what to do." Essie wrapped her arms around me whilst I sobbed into her shoulder, making a dark patch on her scrubs. "It's ok Dom, I know what it's like to not fit in. Your an incredible doctor and you are so genuine. You will get through this. Now come on, wipe them tears and go and talk to Ange. Leave Carole so you can cool down a bit and then speak with her. Do you want to get to know Ange?" I stared at Essie blankly, well I guess it makes sense to get to know my real mum, I would like to know why she left me for sure. "Well, I do want to know a bit more about her. It also means that I have a sister now Essie. You don't know the amount of days I remember sitting next to a wall bouncing a ping pong ball off of it as no one would ever want to play. I have always wanted someone, I never want for anything but company is one thing that I never truly got to experience." I stood up and wiped my eyes roughly with the palm of my hand. Essie put both her hands on my shoulders. "Arthur would be proud of you Dom." I smiled at her and pushed through the double door back onto the ward. "Dazzle, your back.." "No, not now. I don't want to speak with you now. I need to clear my head and I need to talk to Ange." I walked pass my mum I mean Carole I mean, well I don't know what I mean anymore. I knocked on the door to her office and she told me to come in. "Ah Dom, is there a patient you need me to look at?" She tried so hard to dismiss the awkwardness and keep it professional like I had stated for her to do before. "No, I've come to talk." "Right.. well take a seat." She was definitely hesitant, I knew she didn't want to hurt me as you could tell that she was trying to hide something. She sat next to me in the sofa but as far away as she possibly could, avoiding contact with me. She respected my wishes that I wanted to take it slow which I had also told her before. "Okay then.What do you want to talk about?" "Why?" She stared at me confused. "I think you are going to have to be a little more specific Dominic." "Why did you give me away?" She nodded her head and got up to shut the door to give us some more privacy. She fiddled with her hands like she was nervous to tell me. "I was very young Dom. I couldn't look after myself at all, I was never in one consistent home to raise a baby. I was desperate for help but no one would give it to me. My mum was unsupportive and left me by myself for hours at a time. I couldn't afford anything to give you a decent  life so I had to give you up." She was practically shaking. "So.." she said trying to change the subject. "Tell me a little bit about you Dominic." "Ok, So first of all I hate being called Dominic, I prefer Dom." I laughed lightly as did she. "I have worked at Holby for a very long time now. I lost my best friend to a battle with cancer. His name was Arthur, he was my rock really. There is not a lot to me really. Obviously, you know I'm gay and I have been for a very long time. I've never really quite been normal, always slightly different. I know I'm probably not what you pictured..." "you are even better than what I pictured Dom. You are so compassionate and so vulnerable. You must of had it hard but you are everything I wanted you to grow up to be. I promise you, I wanted you to know who I was. I never wanted it to be like this." "Well it is." I snapped. "Sorry, I didn't mean to bark at you, I'm just still in The shocked phase." "I totally get that Dom, take all the time you need. I would however like to get to know you more. I would love for you to be a part of my life Dom and I sincerely mean that." I half smiled at her and nodded. "Well, we should take things incredibly slow. I know nothing about you Ange." I stood up about to exit the door. "For all I know, you could be an axe murderer." She laughed as did I as I exited her office. Am I seriously doing this, am I seriously about to rekindle things with my mum?

Hello everyone! I'm back again and I'm back with a new book. I am so excited for this book as I love Dom and he is so interesting to write about. Don't forget to comment, I really appreciate it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2019 ⏰

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