A/N Welcome to Sierra Gilmore! This story starts in Season 3 of Gilmore Girls, when both Sierra and her sister are in their Senior Year of High School. I hope you enjoy!
"Sierra, we're leaving now, get your things!"
"Coming, Grandma!" I ran down the stairs with my suitcase and sunglasses and loaded my stuff up in the car. "Thanks for letting me come away with you this summer, I had a really great time and I bet mom enjoyed having some time to herself."
"Well, it was a pleasure having you Sierra." Grandpa spoke jovially. "Yes, it was rather nice having some different company than just your grandfather." I laughed and got in the car with them. The car took us to the airport, where we then got a flight back to Hartford.
I walked into Grandma and Grandpa's house and took a seat on the couch while Grandma called Mom. After Grandma was done on the phone, we had tea and cake before I left. "Sierra?"
"Yes, Grandma?"
"When is your sister coming back from Washington?"
"Uh, I'm not sure, I think it's either tomorrow or Saturday. Mom would know though. Didn't you write it in your diary?"
"Oh, nevermind then. I'll see you tomorrow for dinner either way."
"Bye, Grandma." I left their house, got in my car and drove all the way back to Stars Hollow.
My first stop was, of course, Luke's Diner, where I had worked for 4 years. "Hey, Luke." I sat down at the counter and pretended to peruse the menu. "Sierra, you're back! How was the trip with your grandparents? You clearly spent a lot of time in the sun." That was true. I was pretty tan, as opposed to my usual pale skin tone.
"It was amazing, the beach is gorgeous and they had some of the cutest boutiques, plus grandma and grandpa gave me loads of spending money."
"That's really great. Tea?"
"Yes please, Mr Danes." I smiled as he poured my favourite Peach Iced Tea. "Hmm, I think today I will have the animal style nachos, light on the salsa."
"Coming right up." I smiled at Luke and called my mom.
"Independence Inn, Michel speaking."
"Bonjour Michel, c'est Sierra. Ça va?"
"Ah, bonjour Sierra, ça va très bien merci et tu?"
"Bon, bon. Aussi bien que ce soit de te parler Michel, puis-je parler à ma mère s'il te plaît? Elle a des problèmes d'attachement."
"Oui, oui." He said laughing. "Je te transfère maintenant."
"Merci, Michel. À bientôt."
"What's up kid?"
"Hey, Mom. Did you tell Grandma that Rory is coming back Saturday?"
"Right then. Anyway, I just got back, I'm at Luke's, feel free to stop by soon. Oh, and also, why on earth haven't you told Grandma about Dad yet?"
"I... Didn't have time."
"What? You were away all summer and I was here pretending I never had kids."
"Well, whoopdie doo for you. I on the other hand had to hear all summer about 'how great it is Lorelai and Chris are back together and oh isn't it just great Richard?' Gag me."
"Well, it was your choice to go away with them."
"Yes, so I could escape reality and not think about you or Rory all summer. Look how great that turned out. Anyway, talk later, Luke just got here with my nachos bye."
And then I ate a sharing platter of nachos all on my own. So, all in all, it was a good day.

you can't help who you fall for
FanfictionSierra Gilmore: Twin Sister of Rory, Daughter of Lorelai, Girlfriend of Logan and Member of the Life and Death Brigade. With dreams to be an actress, follow Sierra through her Senior Year at Chilton with her boyfriend and crazy family and friends. c...