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"Where have you guys been? 15 minutes I've had to listen to non stop, 'Where's your brother Honor?' Dad does not look happy." Honor started ranting the second she saw us.

"Sorry sis, there was traffic." Logan just shrugged and smirked.

"Fine, but what matters is that you're here now. Come inside, I feel bad leaving Josh alone with them for too long."

We walked into the ornately designed entrance hall. "Holy shit, you might as well have a billboard in here saying 'Hi, we're the Huntzberger's and we're so much better than you!' Cue awkward fake laugh. I mean seriously, is the solid gold statue at the cleaner's?" I remarked quietly to Logan as we walked in.

"Yeah well, Mitchum and Shira have always had a flair for..."

"Flamboyance, extravagance, opulence?" I interrupted.

"Something like that." We walked into the living room where Josh, a blonde woman and two men were sat drinking. "Look what the cat dragged in."

"Logan!" The woman got up and went to hug Logan. "It's good to see you again. We don't see nearly enough of you now you're in college. How was your Christmas in London? Fine place isn't it?"

"Sorry we're late everyone. Grandpa, good to see you. Mom, dad."

"You know Logan, when you're told to come for dinner at 6.30pm, it doesn't mean you can waltz in at 6.45 instead." The younger man, who had to be his father, snidely remarked.

"Yes sir. There was traffic I'm sorry." He walked over to me. "Everyone I'd like you to meet Sierra Gilmore."

I smiled. "Hi, it's good to meet you all. Logan speaks of you a lot. You have a lovely home. I'd say it even rivals Buckingham Palace."

"Well thank you Sierra. You've been to London?"

"Yes. It was amazing, best time of my life."

"You know Sierra's grandparents, Mom. Richard and Emily."

"Oh yes. How are Richard and Emily?"

"They're very good thank you. Grandpa's business is going well."

"Oh, that's wonderful."

"Fine man, your grandfather is Sierra." Logan's dad, Mitchum spoke.

"That he is Sir, that he is."

He shook my hand. "Mitchum Huntzberger."

"It's good to meet you. My sister is actually a very big fan of yours."

He nodded and had some of his scotch. There was an awkward silence. The only sound was of Elias' ice rattling. "Can I freshen your drink Grandpa?" Logan got up and took the glass.

"Oh, I'm sorry, can we get you something Sierra?" Shira put on what I could tell was a fake smile.

"Club soda, if you have it please."

"I got it, Mom!" Logan called over from the drinks cart. He came back over handing me a club soda and his Grandpa a whiskey.

Thankfully, a maid came in at that moment. "Dinner is served." Shira smiled tightly. "Ah, shall we?"

We sat down for dinner, and the awkward silence continued. "So, Sierra, do you go to Yale?"

"Um, no actually. I don't. I hope to attend there in the fall though."

"What's your major?"


"And your minor?"

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