Beauty and the Beach

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After arriving in Blue Bay Harbor a few days earlier Alexis was able to stay with a friend she had met when she arrived in the city so her parents didn't have to move twice in next year or two.

After meeting Tori, Alexis met Kelly, Shane, and Dustin, whose real name was actually Waldo but preferred his middle of Dustin. They were friends of Tori's and Kelly, who after hearing about Alexis' dilemma, offered her the spare bedroom in the apartment above the shop as long as she helped out around the shop.

Alexis, who called her parents and told them she had a place to stay, deciding to leave out the fact that her and Kelly just met, saying that she found the Wind Rangers and said that their sensei offered to let her stay at their headquarters, until she found a more permanent place to stay for her Rangers days. Her parents agreed to let her stay in the city on her own as long as she got a job, besides being a Ranger, and started making her own money. Alexis had easily agreed seeing as the red head offered her a job in the shop.

A week after she had arrived in the city, which had been unusually quiet for a city being under siege by monsters, Alexis grew close with the four and they had developed a close friendship and though Alexis still had a mission to complete she knew she was gonna have a blast with her new friends.

"Kelly?" Alexis called as she walked into the loft's living room area.

"Yes?" Kelly turned and smiled at her blonde friend and new roommate.

"There's something I need to tell you, but its suppose to be kept a secret, so you have to promise me that you'll keep it a secret."

Kelly, noticing the conversation was turning very serious real quick, muted her TV show and turned to the blonde. "Alright. I promise, it's nothing bad though right?"

"Yes, nothing bad. Though I guess that depends on your definition and what you consider bad." Alexis smiled, happy that she could trust Kelly.

"Alright, what is it?" Kelly asked, in response Alexis stood up and removed her outer clothes to reveal her Ninja Gear.

"Alright. What is this suppose to show me?" Kelly asked.

"I'm a Ninja. With Lightning powers." Alexis said, smiling sadly. "And my Ninja school, like the others, have been destroyed by an evil space Ninja named Lothor, who plans to take over the world and I've been tasked with finding the other rangers and helping them defeat him." Kelly was floored.

"But, you sixteen!" Kelly protested. Alexis sighed.

"I know. I'm young, but I'm very advanced for my age."

"Alright, so how do you plan to find the other rangers?" Kelly asked.

Alexis shrugged. "If there's another battle, go out and help them."


"I don't know. Either follow them back to their HQ, or reveal myself then and there."

"The second one could be dangerous if civilians are still in the area."

"I know, but my parents, who were also Rangers before they had me, have said that monsters tend to love rock quarries."

"Right. I'll take your word for it. So, your parents too huh?"

"Yeah back when they were in high school." Alexis shrugged.

"You come from a legacy huh?"

"Yeah. Dad was a Ranger four times, being three different colors on four different teams, and mom three times being the same color on all three teams."

Kelly whistled. "Damn, quite the legacy."

Alexis nodded and smiled. "Yup."

~*Ninja Storm*~
~*a few days later*~

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