Suspicions pt. 2

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Don woke up in his bedroom. Don signed knowing what day it was. "It's my birthday," Don whisperers. Any moment now, Caitlin and Barry will come in.

Barry and Caitlin burst through the door. "Happy birthday!" Barry and Caitlin shouted, which startled Don.

"You scared me! Where's Dawn?" Don said. Don gets off his bed and he looks in Dawn's room. "Did he take her?" Don thought to himself. "Where's Dawn!?" Don shouted this time.

"She said she was going to sleep at the lab. She was upset. I questioned her about something. Barry and Dawn had a problem, she's really upset," Caitlin explained.

Don furrows his eyebrows. "So you just let her go? You don't just let your child leave! That'll make her think you don't actually care!" Don shouted.

"Don, it's not like that. I'm sure she'll come back," said Barry.

Don nodded in disagreement; he sped away.


Don stops in the cortex. Don looks around for Dawn. No sight of her. No sign of her. Not a word from her. "Dawn! Where are you?!" Don calls out. She wouldn't run away, would she?

Don was just about to call Eobard, but he didn't. He's tired of him. "Where would she go?" Don asked himself. Don instantly has an idea of where Dawn would be. "Topango's bakery. Of course," Don whispered before speeding to Topango's bakery.


Don sees the store is close. However, Dawn is in the store with the owner. Dawn always goes there when she needs to get away. The owner is practically her therapist. Dawn notices Don, and she goes outside.

"What are you doing here? By the way, happy birthday, to us," said Dawn.

Don laughs. "I came here looking for you. You weren't home. I know you needed to escape reality, and this is the place you do it," said Don. Dawn pulls Don into a hug.

"What did dad say?" Don asked out of curiosity

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"What did dad say?" Don asked out of curiosity.

"He says I'm distant, he can tell I'm lying. He thinks I'm hiding something, he's right. And, I said 'him', and mom questioned it. You already know who the him is. I expected Mia to be here, but she wasn't. Of course Oliver wasn't here. Felicity isn't here either. I just talked to the owner, Peyton, she told me I should tell the truth. Everything. If I do that, dad will never forgive me. He'll lock me up. There's nothing mom could do," said Dawn. You could here the struggle and hurt in her voice. She's tired, tired of lying.

Dawn's eyes began to get watery. She closed her eyes shut, letting the tears flow. "Thawne instructed me never to cry. I broke another rule." Said Dawn.

"I know you're tired of lying, but you can tell mom that 'him' was a boy. That'll make sense. You can tell dad you like being distant. Tell him you've been spending time here, or at Mia's," said Don.

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