"Give us this day our daily bread."
What is the daily bread that we ask for in the Lord's Prayer?
1. This daily bread is the Bread and Blood of Jesus Christ. If churches were so willing, and people able to sacrifice more of their time, it would be possible to eat the Bread and drink the Blood of Jesus Christ daily, and through it receive more of His Resurrection Life. This Resurrection Life strengthens us against sin and gives us power to live lives of holiness and righteousness.
2. This daily bread is the constant supply of grace we receive flowing from Christ's Resurrection Body. We receive this grace all of the time. Christ is always making us more and more like Him. He gives us every spiritual gift that is good for us. He gives us the victory over sin and ability to live as new creatures. As long as we are willing to take this medicine, this happens every single day of our lives.
3. This daily bread is the increasing faith we have in Jesus Christ as we live day to day. By having more and more faith in Jesus Christ, we eat Him and drink Him, and are enabled to live in this world as lights; lights, through which, people may see Christ and His Resurrection Life in us. Sharing His Righteousness, others are drawn to that Righteousness, and come to participate in that Righteousness themselves. Christ's Righteousness is His Resurrection Life that heals the cosmos and everything and everyone in it.
4. This daily bread is all our material needs such as food, drink, clothing, and shelter. If we seek Christ and His Kingdom; and if we pursue His Life; and if we eat and drink more and more of His Flesh and Blood; then our material needs are also cared for. Seek Christ, and in Him, you will have everything else.
Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
Non-FictionExplanation of what is the daily bread.