Chapter 12: Full Power Pt 2

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I don't own anything


As soon as Alucard hung up Ascora was giving him a glare, he giving her a blank expression, she just stood there tapping her heels on the ground. "So what about me, do I not inspire your passion?" she asked her eyes glowing dangerously. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her, "My queen, my master may inspire me but you, you my queen turn me on and make me want to make you mine all over again." he whispered in her ear. Blushing she pushed him away, "Hmph" turning she walked out into the lobby and began to take her frustrations out on the swat team. "Master shouldn't we go after her?" Seras asked. "No let her take her anger out, because for one she will never admit to me nor anyone else that she is jealous." he explains adoration in his sunset hues.

When Ascora opened the doors the men gasped as she walked past them. Once she was halfway through the elevator the men fired. She turned and slashed them to pieces as she danced around every bullet thrown her way. 'Honestly does he really think I'll just fall back into his arms like that.' she thinks as she sets one a flame and another she ripped his head off. Drinking his blood her nails elongated. She threw the corpse away as she slashed a few more to pieces, a man was contacting the HQ outside, "This is Twin Towers (?) team leader, were stuck on the top floor please send help anything! She's a monster you have to Headquaters get us the fuck out of here! Oh, God it's like hell! God damn it please. God damn it." he pleaded. She set the communicator on fire causing him to drop it. "Let me give you some advice, GOD DOESN'T EXIST, he is just a fictional character." she said stabbing him through the heart.

"C' mon lets go move!" a man ordered having the elevator door open. The men rushed in, "She's coming run -run". Ascora threw fire at one while she summoned Hydrus in her smaller form and ordered her to poison another. She flew and bit one on the shoulder immediately killing him. The men stared shock as she was drinking a mans blood. She hissed at them as one urged them to hurry up. The last of them got in as one cursed and told the one near the button to hurry up. The one near the button kept pressing the button. The elevator finally closed as they breathed a sigh of relief but they became stiff as nails when the saw blue flames erupt in front of them. "Fools" she said using her nails she slashed and bite into them.

She existed the elevator the men into pieces, "Hydrus dispose of them." Ascora called. The dragon made quick work of them and one actually tried to shoot her but transformed into her Chinese form and flew them out the door and onto the flag poles their guts showing. She stepped out Hydrus still in her Chinese form coiled around her.

Somewhere else

"My, my she is new but yet just like him, borders in between madness and insanity. Yet she doesn't give my spine a tingle one bit, I know what if we order Tubalcain Alhambra to attack maybe that will get my blood flowing." a deranged man said.

Back in Rio de Ginero

"My, my you weren't the one I was expecting. Are you perhaps his new servant or toy?" a man asked walking through the crowd. . Ascora petted Hydrus as she gritted her teeth, "I am nobodies servant nor toy." looking at him now.

"Oh please do forgive me, well then allow me to introduce myself I am Tubalcain Alhambra but otherwise known as the Dandy Man. Now will you do me the honor of knowing a fine young woman like yourself. " he asked bowing. "Flattery will get you nowhere, all I want to know is if these god loving people belonged to you?" she asked walking down the stairs Hydrus following. "Oh, your speaking of the unfortunate men up there." he said lifting his hat up with his finger. "Their superiors where fools, and they allowed their men to be in such a state. Truly amazing what some people will do on the promise of immortality." he said showing a card to her.

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