Chapter Twenty

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Chloe's P.O.V

The ride back home to my dorm room was a good one. Hailee and I giggled and talked about what a great time we had at the pizza place. It was funny when she talked about Luke, saying how he was super attentive and paid extra close attention to her.

I called my parents once I was in my bedroom. Dad was actually on the phone with me this time, which was a surprise and it was nice for once. Alabama game days were the easiest days to contact my dad, who was eighty percent of the time at home watching the game with Mom, Felix, and Elijah. We talked about the game and school. Mom asked me about my grades and I talked about chemistry and that I felt like I did well. I couldn't wait for Fall Break so that I could go home and snuggle with Miss Kitty. I really missed her.

After I got off the phone with my family, I worked on homework and then pulled up my word document that I was writing my novel in. It was rather annoying at how behind I was, never being able to settle on just one story and was always creating more than I should. I was able to narrow it down to one story, but I was stuck on page thirty-three.

"Writer's block will be the death of me," I muttered as I stared at my screen. I threw myself on my bed, huffed out a breath, and stared at the ceiling.

It was my dream since I was in fifth grade that I would become a writer. An even bigger dream was to become a New York Time's Bestselling Author, which seemed almost impossible. The first step was to finish a novel and apparently, I wasn't even capable of doing that.

"Gosh darn it," I said as I ran my fingers through my hair. I didn't know how people finished books. It was an accomplishment to even finish a book, no matter if it ever got published or not. Maybe it was better to set smaller goals than the ones that I set. Just finish this chapter, Chloe. You can do it. Finish it and you can reward yourself with ice cream. Ooh, I like that idea.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone buzzing. I picked up my phone to see:

Luke: Hey Chloe, I just wanted to let you know that I checked online to see that our grades were posted on the chemistry exam.

My eyes widened. Suddenly I got nervous. What if I didn't do as well as I thought? I had studied for hours and it would be a shame to get anything less than an A.

Me: Oh really? Thanks, I'll check

Luke: No problem, and you should tell me what you got. You probably did amazing!

I smiled. Luke was so sweet sometimes. He made me forget about the past and want to start over in our future as friends.

Me: Okay I will :)

I sat up on my bed and back to my desk. I logged in my college account and nervously clicked on my chemistry exam result. I took in a deep breath and squinted my eyes.

One-hundred. I got a one-hundred on my chemistry exam! Oh my gosh I can't believe it. I got a freakin' one-hundred on the chemistry exam! My heart burst with happiness as I spun around in my desk chair. I was giddy that I got the grade that I wanted and hoped that everyone in our study group did well. I began texting quickly.

Me: I just checked and guess what I got?!

Luke: A 100?!

I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

Me: Yes! How did you know?!

Luke: I told you that you'd do well :)

Me: Well thank you :) How did you do on the test?

Luke: Guess.

I smiled. It barely took me any time to come up with what he probably scored on the exam.

Me: A 100...?

Luke: Yes! How did you know?!

I started to bounce up and down in my seat with excitement. We both got a one-hundred on our exam!

Me: Intuition :D

Luke: Lol. I wonder what Hailee and Kason got. I guess I should have put it in the group chat, but honestly, I was just thinking that you would want to know the most.

It was extremely thoughtful of him to know that I would want to know when our grades came out.

Me: Oh thanks :) We'll find out in class anyway.

Luke: Yeah. On a different note, wasn't Pyro's Fire Fresh Pizza good?

I snorted. Remembering back to the pizza place, it was fun, especially with Luke there.

Me: I mean yeah but you hogged all the pizza XD

Luke: I'm sorry, I thought you didn't want another slice :P

Me: You're right. That slice was big enough, but apparently not to you. Pizza hog.

Luke: XD Listen, in my defense, I am a guy. I need it for energy for our next game.

Me: Yeah, for next week? What are you, some bear hibernating until the next game?

Luke: Maybe.

Me: XD

Luke: XD

I sighed.

Me: I should probably go to bed. It's almost midnight.

Luke: Didn't you know that sleep is for the weak?

Me: You got me. I am a weakling after all ;)

Maybe the wink was a little too much. Oh my goodness. What if he thought I meant something else by that?!

Luke: Apparently so ;) Goodnight

Me: Goodnight

I couldn't stop smiling as I hooked my phone to its charger and crawled into my bed. I snuggled underneath the blankets, thinking about our conversation we just had. My heart was pounding hard in my chest, and the sudden realization that I might like Luke more than I thought washed over me. This couldn't be happening...Not again...

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