Devil's Food

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It was a quiet morning in the mansion, and everything was where it should be. 505 was fast asleep in his bed, Flug was taking a moment to rest his eyes at his workstation after formulating and scheming throughout the night, Demencia was scuttling across the walls, and Black Hat...

Black Hat was roaming the mansion, but that was soon to change.


A monstrous voice, distorted so heavily that the name it yelled was barely recognizable. The haggard scientist scrambled to his feet nonetheless, half-awake and hurrying to the scene of the shouting. His brain was sent into nervous overdrive as he darted away from his lab, trying to figure out what he did to upset his boss. His thoughts were not helped by the high-pitched giggle of Demencia dropping down from the ceiling to follow him, eager for any excuse to see her evil idol.

"You're in trouble~!" She cooed softly before cackling, dashing ahead on all fours so she didn't miss a second of the action. Flug sighed and shook his head, looking around as to where he was going. Surprisingly enough, he found himself at the entrance to the kitchens. He sighed again and took stock, relaxing and straightening himself out as much as possible before walking in and taking in the scene in front of him.

Black Hat was standing by a large, open fridge. His arms were crossed and his claws tapped out a furious beat across his thin bicep, rage just barely held in check. Demencia was leaning against a nearby table, staring at the eldritch being with rapt attention and hearts in her eyes. 505 stumbled through the entrance behind the scientist, rubbing his eyes and yawning sleepily. Flug mentally braced himself as he felt Black Hat's eyes fall upon him.

"What is the meaning of this?" Black Hat pointed a wickedly sharp claw towards the contents of the fridge, pointing out every single baked goodie among the jars of indeterminable organs and shifting bowls of gunk.

Flug opened his mouth to offer an apology and an explanation, but before he could get a single word out, Demencia scurried over and grabbed one of the plates, holding it up to Black Hat proudly. "We made them! Look, I made this one! What do you think, handsome?" She asked flirtatiously, which made Black Hat sigh. He pinched a spot between his eyes, where the bridge of his nose would be if he were human, and growled as he spoke.

"It's hideously colorful, and it makes me want to puke." He kept his eyes closed, as if he couldn't bear to look at the plate being held up to him. Demencia squealed slightly, as if oblivious to the fact that Black Hat had just completely dissed her work, and dashed away with her plate. Flug stepped forwards after a moment, wringing his hands together nervously. He looked away while he spoke, not noticing Black Hat's eyes open as he stuttered.

"M-My apologies, boss... I started baking myself, and the other two must have- must have picked up on it. I, uh. We couldn't eat all of the leftovers, so we... Put them away. I could... Could get rid of them, if you wish." He ventured a glance to his boss and flinched slightly upon seeing the eldritch being staring straight at him. Their eyes stayed locked for a long moment, Black Hat thinking and Flug awkwardly waiting for some sort of order. Finally, Black Hat sighed, and snapped his fingers. The refrigerator groaned before splitting in half with an unholy shriek, one half containing the baked goods, and the other containing the other odds and ends.

"Keep them in that fridge, or we're going to have... An issue. Got that, Doctor?" He asked, a thinly veiled threat beneath his words. Flug gulped and nodded, moving to grab a plate of cookies that had been left sitting on the counter, moving them towards the fridge. He was stopped halfway, however, by a pair of claws daintily plucking a cookie out of the pile, knocking as much over as possible. Black Hat laughed as Flug scrambled slightly to keep all the other cookies on the plate, and bit into his stolen prize before completely disappearing from the room.

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