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I'm very sorry for not updating too soon. I have a great run in high school. I finally graduated and finished taking an entrance exam after many days of study. This time, I have all the time because it's summer vacation in my country.


At 11:30am, Titanic just arrived in Queenstown, Ireland to pick up more passengers. 30 minutes before lunch, Aggie and the I Team headed to First Class finished dressing up like First Class passengers. A steward bowed and smartly opened the door to the First Class Entrance.

"Good morning, sirs, madams," He said.

Aggie politely bowed in return as she entered first, then followed by her team. The steward noticed the appearance of the I Team and how many they are. He just ignored the appearance, but the only bothered him is the number of members and their sizes (mainly big or tall ones). Guess he should open the door for a while until every last member walked in and no one left behind.

The I Team stepped in and their breath is taken away by the splendor spread out before them. Overhead is the enormous glass dome, with a crystal chandelier at its center. Sweeping down six stories is the First Class Grand Staircase, the epitome of the opulent naval architecture of the time.

"Wow, I gotta say this place is so... fancy," Azal, Azul's guardian, commented.

"And so beautiful!" Doris added.

"You have to admit, this is the best hotel and cruise ship we've ever been through," Mic, Mort's guardian, agreed, much to Drac and Ericka's jealousy of comparing their hotel and cruise ship to Titanic.

"And look at those people's fancy dresses!" Francista pointed the First Class passengers below.

And the people: the women in their floor length dresses, elaborate hairstyles and abundant jewelry... the gentlemen in evening dress, standing with one hand at the small of the back, talking quietly.

The I team descended to A deck. Other members who have wheels (vehicles and the dolphins who rode on segway vehicles) had no trouble of rolling down the stairs, as long as they descended very slowly.

"Look at that," Ramone stared at the clock between the wooden carve of two angels. "This is a nice wooden carve they made. I wish I can do this."

"Umm, you're into painting, not sculpturing," Piglet reminded.

"But if you have extra time, you can do wood carving or sculpturing," Ferb II, Perry and Pelry's son, winked.

When they made down the staircase, the I team were standing and waiting for their "hosts" to arrive.

Rainbow Dash was already tired of waiting as she slouched on a pillar. Josan, Jet and Saltor's youngest son and Jason's guardian, noticed her and scolded quietly.

"Aunt Rainbow Dash, what are you doing?! Don't slouch!"

The blue Pegasus rolled her eyes as she quickly stood back up straight. The I Team observed how men and women here stand and walk, so they all followed. The sheep have to go all fours just to blend in.

Several men nodded a perfunctory greeting. The team nodded back, keeping it simple. Aggie was quite nervous about this though. She didn't know that people these old days were suppose to be like this.

Suddenly, Captain Smith came down the stairs with his elegant tuxedo and black pants. He didn't wear his captain cap this time.

"Aah, you finally came!" He clapped his hands together. "30 minutes early, I see. Welcome."

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