Season one Episode five: A Night for Puppy Love

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That's Lucky

Season one Episode five: A Night for Puppy Love


Lucky was shown putting his hat on as the instrumentals for the Ducktales reboot theme started playing. He then called over his friends with Patch looking at a Thunderbolt picture as he heard Lucky's name and ran over to him. Two-tone was designing some kind of dress when she ran over to him and Rolly was eating a donut when he did the same. The four of them then ran off together as the main theme, Farm Dogs, played.

A female voice began singing the theme song as Lucky and the others were shown moving to the farm with their family. "Life can be a tornado, here in, London. (Lucky and the others are shown playing in Hiccup Hole with Lucy nagging them) Naggers, (Cruella was shown to be devising an evil plan) psychos, (Lucky and the others were shown in an airplane with Lucky at the front seat) Airplanes, (Lucky and the others are shown finding a time machine) insane, but fun."

Lucky and the others were shown going back in time with Lucky in a Sherlock Holmes outfit as Two-tone rolled her eyes while smiling. "We can solve a mystery. (Lucky and the others are shown underwater in a temple with Lucky grabbing some kind of shard at the last second) Or remake history."

Lucky and the others were shown in some kind of classroom with Lucky singing and dancing. "Farm dogs, heck yeah! (Lucky and the others are shown with Pug yelling as Lucky whispers something to Patch, making them both laugh a bit) We may be kids, but we're not weak; (Lucky and the others are shown braving a snowstorm) Farm dogs, heck yeah! (Lucky is seen finding a cave for them to hide in and letting them all go in first) We can brave through, any trial; (Lucky walks in last and sighs of relief) farm dogs, heck yeah!"

Lucky and the others are shown admiring some treasure in some kind of dungeon as a dragon comes in and spots them. "There will be danger, (Lucky and the others see the dragon with the others being scared but Lucky putting on a brave face) out to find you. (Lucky pulls out a sword he found earlier and throws a sword straight at the dragon) There's a trial, (The dragon gets hit in the middle of its eyes) waiting (Lucky jumps onto the dragon's snout and grabs his sword) for you. (Lucky signals the others to leave, which they do, trusting Lucky can win) When it's there, just take it head on!"

Lucky and the others were running from Cruella as they raced on without their collars on. "Farm dogs, heck yeah! (Lucky grabs a rock and throws it at Cruella's car, hitting the wheel and making her crash) We will stand up, to save our friends; (Lucky and the others are shown with their collars on again as Lucky is shown admiring his butt in a mirror) farm dogs, heck yeah! (Patch is shown rolling his eyes while smiling as he watches Lucky do his thing) We won't ever, hate each other; (Lucky is shown to be climbing up to the fridge to get a cookie jar with Rolly watching inside and licking his lips with hope that Lucky will share them) farm dogs, heck yeah! (Lucky runs off with the cookie jar after Pongo and Perdita spot him with Rolly opening the window so he can escape) We will always, stand together."

Lucky and the others were shown running together as they all enjoyed themselves. "Farm dogs, heck yeah! (Dumpling comes by all lovey dovey for Lucky, who pushes her aside with a blunt look on his face) Tales that we, (Patch is shown looking at Thunderbolt with admiration as he runs ahead) will not forget, (Two-tone is shown looking encouraging Rolly to keep running since he was falling behind) no wasting time, (Rolly is shown wiping his forehead and dashing ahead at full speed) or losing pace, (Lucky is shown at the ledge with everyone else behind him as he looks over the cliff proudly) we're farm dogs, heck yeah!" That's Lucky is shown in the sun with Lucky still looking over the cliff proudly.

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