1 - The beginning

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Angels and Demons have been sworn enemies for years due to a war that happened many years ago, centuries ago. Apart from a split alliance a new problem came up that never mattered before the war, cursed Angels. They had been around for years but was never a big deal now they are killing mundanes in the city. Angels went from working with the demons to hunting them and now a never ending war. Cursed Angels are Angels who used their powers in the wrong way, Angels who used necromancy were punished the worse and were made the most dangerous, Angels with the powers of a demon and their mind set on one thing, kill anything with a heartbeat, and his was because they didn't have one after they were cursed

Jackson with his black hair and red eyes walked into the bar, wearing his usual black leather jacket and black jeans with of course black boots. He walked over to a group of his friends also demons.

"JJ where have you been?" Scott asked flicking his black hair out the way of his lovely green glowing eyes. JJ had been Jackson's nickname ever since he was little.

"I was out doing some business, demon business. And now I need a drink." He sat down and swallowed a shot of vodka. "Where's Katie?"

"I wouldn't have a clue probably gone home, she doesn't like getting drunk." Jamie was also a demon, who's hunted by Angels. Jamie, Jackson, Katie and Scott have been friends since they all discovered they were the same in high school ever since then they've stuck together. Jamie was a rare type of demon he had blonde hair and blue eyes and blue eyes was a symbol of Angel.

"I know I surely do." Scott swallowed down the rest of his beer. "Guys today something strange happened I heard a ringing sound and I went towards it but it seemed to be coming from everywhere as if the magic was in the air." He paused as a waitress came and filled their glasses "it's something I've never heard before."

"That does sound strange, new type of necromancer, maybe?" Jackson questions swallowing a shot.

"I'm guessing so but it's never been this strong." Scott added.

"It's a new necromancer, sorry I'm late I found something suspicious and it lead me to a lair in a cave. And there was some cult in there." Katie sat down with the boys.

"Bout time you showed up, we've been waiting." Jamie said grabbing a few chips from the basket and dipping them in sauce.

"As I said I was busy following a lead. Don't you pay attention." She repeated sitting next to Jackson. Her and Jackson were like siblings they have also gotten along well together, they were probably the closet in the group.

"I'm going to head to the bar. I'll have a better supply of alcohol." Jackson said walking off.

"Is it just me or does he seem... off?" Jamie asked and the others nodded agreeing with him.

Jackson was sitting at the bar and looked over to the side about 5 stools away there was a guy and he had brown hair with hazel eyes, mundanes are cute Jackson thought to himself. Jackson was gay but only came out to his closest friends being a demon leader if everyone knew he was gay he'd be known as weak to the rest and lose his position and turn into the underdog, which was never a good thing. He sighed and looked away from the boy he swallowed a shot when he felt someone tapping his shoulder. It was Katie.

"Jackson we have to go they've arrived, the Angels are here, with their leader." The head Angel was the most dangerous and this one didn't have any mercy, Kai Silverstone was heir to the throne and he's a better at it then his parents were, but hes ten times more dangerous. Jackson got up and was pushing through the crowd with Katie when an angel came up behind them and was attacking Katie, Jackson pulled the Angel off who ended up holding him down.

"Run!" Jackson yelled to Katie as the Angel brought down a fist into his left cheek.

Jackson woke up with a sore head he felt kinda dizzy he looked up and saw a girl she smelt badly of angel blood, she was in a black jacket and jeans, she had long blonde almost silver hair, she also had blue eyes like most angels. There was a boy to her left who had silver black hair and was reading a book in a lounge chair. To her right was a door which just opened, that's when Jackson realized he was strapped to a chair.

"Ahh the demons awake finally." The boy that walked in looked exactly like the other two, in the room. "Thanks for totally watching him guys." He said with sarcasm.

"I can watch and read also I'm the eldest sibling here I don't have to listen to you." The guy in the lounge sighed.

"Who are you guys?" Jackson said in pain as his head throbbed.

"Oh sorry I didn't introduce you the one in the lounge chair is my eldest brother, Derek he's a bit of an ass, then my little sister Kathrine and i'm Kai Silverstone.

"The head Angel family, has finally captured the head demon too your time." Jackson said with a bit of sarcasm and Kai threw a knife landing in between Jackson's fingers. He looked at them stunned.

"Don't ever talk to me or about me like that again filthy blood." Kai spat demons weren't just known for their blood it was also that they could turn to wolves at Will and some tend to lose control. Kai grabbed another bag and cut open Jackson's white blood stained shirt up the middle, he cut a line against his chest. "Where is the rest of the demons." He nagged.

"I don't know, and even if I did it's betrayal to say so." The minute he said it a pin of regret went through him when he realised he had a knife slash past his stomach again.

"Tell me!" Kai yelled and the building shook and Jackson knew it was the angels magic. Angel magic tends to be released when the leader angel is angry and he can uncontrollably release magic. Jackson bit his cheek.

"No I'll never betray my own, would you?" Jackson knew that would get on his nerves but didn't see what was coming next. Kai punched him and knocked him out.

Chapter 1 End

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