Just A School Trip

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Whispers and rumours surrounded the crowded the central hall giving off a feeling of uneasiness as the military men proceeded to go to the front.

"Hey Shinji, got any idea of what's going on?"Keita asked with a voice filled with unsureness while looking around the whole hall." No clue, I've never even heard of a program called Battle Royale." Shinji responded with an obvious look of confusion.

As the two were talking a sudden movement behind them caught their attention."Agh, what the hell!" Keita softly exclaimed as he got shoved into Yazuo and Chichiro. Yazuo lost his often cool demeanour as he realised who shoved his friend. The guy who pushed Keita was Kuro, the so called leader of a group of lowlife and scummy students,Yazuo really doesn't like his guts.

"Hey, Kuro what the fuck are you doing pushing my friends around!" Yazuo exclaimed but not loud enough so the military men and the teachers wouldn't hear."Hey now, call me Kuro-san at least show me some fucking respect will ya?" Kuro said with a passive aggressive smile on his face."What about Kuro-son of a bitch!" Yazuo yelled with aggressive intent. At times like this Yazuo can't contain himself, well Yazuo can never contain himself when his friends are getting harassed or getting messed with. Kuro suddenly widens his eyes showing his killing intent, Yazuo took a step forward facing Kuro with a angry look on his face.

"Please sto-" Shinji was about to say until he got interrupted by a voice in the mic."Will everyone please be quiet! We are about to start our sudden announcements." said the principal of the school with clear nervousness on his voice."Well I guess we'll just continue this next time bye!" said Kuro with clear passive aggressiveness. As Yazuo was about to respond to Kuro he was interrupted by Chichiro.

"Hey, isn't Principal Nakamura's voice kinda shaky?" Chichiro asked pointing out the unusualness of the situation."Now that you mention it, his voice is pretty shaky.. Is he scared of something?" Keita asked. Chichiro crosses her arms and shrugged at Keita signalling her unsureness."Well I guess there's really no point in asking about such a ridiculous topic, let's just listen to the announcements." Keita said not caring about the uneasiness of the principal.

As Keita and Chichiro both continued to listen to the announcements, Shinji noticed Yazuo's still angry face due to Kuro's careless and cruel wrongdoings." Hey Yazuo are you alright?" Shinji asked with concern. Yazuo looked up at Shinji with a look of surprise then responded with " Oh, uh just thinking about that piece of shit Kuro that's all, that guy and his posse are always messing with us, he messes with everyone!" Yazuo said with rage. "Well it's fine, you don't have to worry about that douche, you got us am I right?" Shinji asked with a smirk. "Uh yeah, I guess you're right" Yazuo responded seemingly pleased with that answer.

As me and Yazuo finished talking the principal finally announces the final announcement before the lunch break."Tomorrow we are going to have a school trip due to the doings of the glorious Battle Royale Program." Athe principal said with a low and shaky voice.

More chatting spread through the hall due to the news of a sudden school trip."Hey Shoyou, did you guys do this last year?" Kimura, a student behind me and Yazuo asked."No, I guess it's a new thing." Shoyou responded as he slowly walked to the exit as the announcement reached its end.

Yazuo turned to Shinji, Keita and Chichiro signalling to them that he wanted to go already, so as the principal finally concluded, Yazuo along with the others walked into the hall leading to the cafeteria. A pat on the back of Yazuo took Yazuo's attention. As Yazuo turned his head he noticed Keita with his eyes looking another direction, it was obvious Keita was embarrassed."Uhhh, thanks for um, standing up to Kuro earlier.." said a Keita twitching his face out of humiliation.

The thing is, Keita and Yazuo are friends and have been friends for 2 years but, because of Keita scolding Yazuo due to his misbehaviour, he's kinda embarrassed to say things like "thanks for helping me" and stuff like that."No problem, bird brain." Yazuo responded."Uh, yeah anyway me and Chichiro are eating out." Keita said seemingly regaining his confidence."Hehe, go get her Keita" Yazuo responded leaning over to Keita and seemingly putting on a mocking face.
"Damn you Yazuo!" Keita responded getting back his usual demeanour."Keita let's go!" Chichiro yelled as she dragged Keita out of the hall out to the outside of the school.

As me and Yazuo were walking we heard voices in the other hallways."Kuro get away from Haru!" said Tatsuya with an extreme tone of concern... Yazuo looked into the hallway with a look of annoyance at his face." Let's deal with this Shinji" said Yazuo while cracking his knuckles.

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