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Violet Crawford was never considered as the average high school girl. She never found herself with any friends to confide in. Instead, Violet sat at the back of the classroom every lesson and kept to herself by constantly sketching and drawing across her various school books. 

Violet blamed her introverted nature on her previous experiences, her father had brutally murdered her mother when she was just 12 years old, the night still lingered in her memory every night as the young girl tried to sleep, the vision haunting her dreams. With her mother dead and father sentenced to life in prison, Violet was stranded and sent to a foster family. They took care of her and Violet was content with her life. For the next 4 years she attended a new school where she met her one and only best friend Rebecca, Bec for short. Violet and Bec sat with the popular group at school, and therefore she had an abundance of acquaintances who she didn't consider to be close to her at all, as she never spoke to them. The two girls told each other everything and were the best of friends within the larger group in which they sat with. Eventually, when Violet was 15 her foster father got sick and passed away, leaving Violet and her foster mother to relocate.

Now, just one month away from her sixteenth birthday, Violet resides out the front of an unfamiliar building. The sound of teenagers laughing and talking fill the air as they walk through the front gates of the high school. Violet sighs as she steps out of her parked car, closing the door behind her and locking the vehicle. Slowly, Violet's footsteps trudge on, leading her to the front of the school. She sees the various groups of students mingling and she is instantly reminded of her best friend Bec, which brings on a new sudden wave of emotion. Her feet take her to the front office, where Violet is handed her schedule for the year ahead. Violet's eyes skim the unfamiliar sheet of paper and she begins to feel overwhelmed once again. She is filled with worry at the thought of starting again, having to be the new girl at school for the second time in her life. Violet was lucky last time that she met Rebecca to help her through the new environment. This time, she was extremely unsure that would be the case again. 

Violet's first day was as expected. She would walk into every class with so many pairs of eyes lingering, watching her every move. Violet was made to introduce herself in front of the class, and then walked with her head down to a spare seat at the back of every room where she sat alone. However, Violet's routine that she had developed was interrupted during last period in History class. 

Once her introduction was over she immediately walked towards the back row, her eyes skimming across the tables which sat two students on each desk. The class was full, the only seat left in the back row was on the left side closest to the wall. Next to the available seat on the table sat a girl with straight hair, round glasses which looked way too big for her face and a lollipop which she swirled around in her mouth with an evident smirk which lingered on her face as she watched the new student walk towards her. 

Violet was never one to believe in love at first sight, however, she was fairly attracted to the smug looking girl at a first glance. She placed her books and materials on the desk and sat down on the seat. Violet wondered if the girl next to her was anything like her. She noticed that she was previously sitting alone in a class full of students. 'Maybe she is just like me'  thought Violet as the teacher begun the lesson. The only thing about the girl that differed from herself was her smug looking smirk and the look of dullness and disinterest that resided in her eyes. From this, Violet realised that this girl more than likely shared the same introverted tendencies as herself, just with a different personality.

Violet's thoughts of the unknown stranger next to her were interrupted when the teacher walked past their desk, handing each of the girls a piece of paper. "The pop quiz starts now! Write down everything you know." The teacher exclaimed while taking his seat back at the front. Violet began to panic, unaware of what they were writing about in the first place as her attention was lacking. Her eyes wondered to the blackboard which had the topic written across the board. Violet sighed in relief and looked back down at her paper. Out of the corner of her eyes, Violet saw the girl next to her writing on her paper. Curious, her eyes wondered to the girl's page which had the name 'Carol Denning' scribbled in the top right hand corner with messy, careless handwriting. Violet took this as a hint and followed the ways of the girl next to her, which she now knew to be Carol. 

The time had flown and before she knew it, the bell had rung signalling the end of the school day. The students stood up from their seats with their paper in hand, where they walked to the front of the room handing their papers in to the teacher and leaving the classroom. Violet found herself wanting to talk to Carol after class, however, she had already disappeared as Violet's eyes wondered across the hallway. As she walked out of the school and towards the car, her thoughts were directed back to the interesting girl which she sat next to in History class. For some odd reason Violet felt the need to get to know the girl, and maybe, just maybe, she could have a friend to help her through the next few years of school.

TOMORROW - Carol Denning (oitnb)Where stories live. Discover now