Addie VI

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 Addie didn't trust just anyone claiming to be a "witch doctor," but she could hardly hold the label against the lady, given that she probably hadn't named herself. She certainly didn't look the part; nothing traditionally hoodoo about her at all; she was wearing a pair of ballet flats and a polo tucked into her corduroys, short curly hair tucked behind her ears. She greeted them with a smile at the door to what could only be described as a cottage and invited them in.

"So let me get this straight," she said, stirring a cup of something frothy, "you want me to bring you back to life?"

"That about summarizes it, yeah," Kiera said.

"And why should I do that?"

"Because you're a kind person?" Addie suggested. The Witch Doctor gave her a blank look and continued to stir her cup, then put it down and smirked at her.

"Hm. Sure."

"Seriously?" Addie was shocked that that had worked.

"On one condition," the Witch Doctor said, "remember me."

"So we remember everything when we go back?" Kiera asked.

"Well, I can't promise that. I don't think anyone except the big man in the sky knows for sure, and maybe the people who've already gone back."

"Hold on," Kiera said, "You've really sent people back before?"

"I thought you knew. Isn't that what brought you here?"

"Well, yeah, but I didn't know for sure. So this is really happening"

"Yeah," the Witch Doctor said.

"Huh." Kiera said. Addie looked hard at her, trying to etch the details in so deep that the universe could never wipe them clean. She knew she wouldn't look the same as a human, but some of it had to translate, didn't it? The bold nose and the way her face held onto some of its baby fat below the cheekbones; not that Addie had spent a lot of time staring at rabbits, but that didn't really match up with the picture of them she had in her head. She would remember: she had to.

"Just let me get a few things ready," the witch doctor said, setting down her cup. Addie could see now that there was nothing in it. She left through the same door she had led them through, leaving Kiera and Addie sitting on the floor across from each other.

"So this is it, then." Kiera looked like she was trying not to seem upset, but by now Addie had learned to read her better than that.

"Jus' for now," Addie said, "I said that I was gonna find you when we get back, and I think that I might've jus' promised again. You think that I ain't planning to do everything I can to keep those promises?"

"I know you are. But you can't always keep your promises, can you? If you don't remember, then that's not on you." Kiera said. Addie leaned over and wrapped her arms around her.

"Gonna miss you, y'know." the sound was muffled against her shoulder. "Even if I don't remember a thing, I'm gonna miss you. Always gonna miss you."

"I know. Just... if you do remember anything, remember this: Colorado. Kiera Morris. Come and find me." She tapped Addie's forehead with her thumb and rested her chin on top of her head. They stayed like that for a minute; in a way it was comforting to just be held, like she hadn't in a long time. Addie hoped it wouldn't be the last. "Come on, let's see if this Witch Doctor's got what it takes." Kiera broke the embrace and stood, took Addie's hand, and pulled her to her feet once more. She kept hold of her hand as they walked out the door. The Witch Doctor had drawn a circle in the dirt, and smiled at them as they approached. A bit of dirt was smudged below her eye; she must have been rubbing it as she drew. It made her seem a bit more touchable.

"Just in time, ladies! Ready to get this show on the road?" The Witch Doctor said. Addie took a long last look at the land, then a long last look at Kiera.

"You first?" Addie asked.

"Okay," Kiera said, then turned to the Witch Doctor. "So, how do we do this?"

"You just step into the circle," she said, eyes glittering. "I'll take care of the rest." Kiera gave Addie's hand one last squeeze and stepped over the dirt line. The Witch Doctor closed her eyes and sang a tune that sounded vaguely familiar.

As she came to the end, the ground shivered and then swallowed Kiera whole. Addie watched in silence; no turning back now. "You next." The Witch Doctor said, and Addie stepped where Kiera had been moments before. The Witch Doctor repeated her song, and the ground collapsed below her. Kiera had looked calm as she sank, but Addie held her breath, terrified. The dirt blurred into one vivid shade of brown as she flew down. She blinked the dust out, and just when she felt like her chest would burst if she held on any longer. She breathed in cold, muddy water.

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