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LOREN SAT AT the Gryffindor Table on a cold morning, having pancakes and syrup, Lily wasn't next t her, and it was unusual, Lydia sat opposite her, stuffing her face with anything she could find.
"'Eres'Bwilly?"asked Lydia, some contents falling out of her mouth.

Loren raised her eyebrows,"Pardon?"
Lydia then swallowed it, and winced at the impact it did eating it all in one,"Where's Lily?She's normally early-"

"I'm here!"hummed Lily, smiling brightly at the two girls, and she sat next to Loren, something was different about her, she was more...happier?"Why're you so...cheery?"

Lily raised her eyebrows,"Am I never cheery?"
Lydia shook her head rapidly,"No!Well, only when Potter's around you,"Loren snorted.

"Well, that's going to change."smiled the red head.
"What do you mean?"asked Loren confused.

"Hello, my beautiful girlfriend."boasted James Potter, Loren squinted her eyes, saying,"You wish."
Lily bit her lip, mumbling,"He really is my boyfriend..."

Lydia spat her food out,"What?!"
"Excuse—how, what?When did this happen?"
"Last night—"started Lily, and then she was cut off by the messy haired boy, who was apparently her boyfriend,
"When we kissed, and I finally got my Lily Pads—uh-I meant, my...Lily?"he said, and it came out as a question and he cringed.

Loren gagged as Lydia nodded eagerly, pointing to Loren,"What she did."

Hii, sorry for not updating, though I shouldn't have excuses, but it's because I updated a lot, and then some people didn't see it after a week or two, so I stopped updating so some people could catch up, then when I noticed a few people(you) had seen My last chapter, and I wondered how long you waited for another chapter.

Thanks for reading!I saw Endgame two weeks ago, and can I just say, it's amazing!
Karni X

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