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Onika yawned as she washed her hands in the sink after flushing the toilet. She was going straight to sleep when she got back down stairs. A small knock on the door caused her to jump slightly. She shut the water off. "Just a minute." She called as she moved to quickly dry her hands off.

She opened the door and immediately paused at seeing Beyonce. She wasn't expecting this. They stared at each other for a few moments before Onika looked away and moved to step around her but Beyonce mirrored the step, blocking her path. "Let's talk." She said as she pushed Onika back gently with a hand on her stomach. Onika sighed and took a step back into the bathroom and her heart began to beat faster as Beyonce closed the door behind her.

"What is there to talk about?" Onika asked as she shifted on her feet and began to fiddle with her fingers. She didn't know what she was nervous for. Maybe it was because this was the first time her and Beyonce had been alone together in weeks. Things usually happened when they were alone together and that really wasn't a good thing since she was with Aubrey now. She didn't want to hurt him.

"I really liked the song you picked." Beyonce said as she leaned back against the door and crossed her arms. She stared at Onika for a minute before speaking again.

"Was it for me?" Onika sighed as she gave her a pointed look that said obviously. "Okay then, answer the question. Why try?" she asked next. Onika frowned, feeling her jaw clench and her fists ball up. She moved forward and reached behind Beyonce for the door knob.

"You know why, Beyonce." She whispered and Beyonce caught her wrist yanking it away from the knob. Onika. gasped at the tight grip. Beyonce's grip almost felt like it was burning her. It had been a long time since they touched and the simple grip on her wrist made her body come alive.

"I want to hear you say it."

"Why?" Onika hissed as she pulled on her arm but Beyonce's grip only tightened. "Why now when you didn't care before!?" Her voice rose and she shoved Beyonce in her shoulder with her free hand. Beyonce didn't move much seeing how she was already leaning against the door so Onika took a step back instead.

Onika took in a deep breath because she didn't want to get mad. She didn't like being angry but somehow Beyonce was always able to get her so angry within seconds. It was just another affect that Beyonce had on her. She could make Onika feel all kinds of different emotions all at once. "You look like you're the one having a hard time letting go." Onika whispered back.

She whimpered loudly before she had even registered what was happening. Beyoncé's tongue was in her mouth before she could even respond to the kiss but once her brain caught up she found her tongue in a heated battle with Beyoncé's . Her fingers laced in the thick hair that flowed
down the back of Beyoncé's neck as she pulled her closer with a hand pressing into the small of her back. They were flushed against each other and panting through their noses as they kissed roughly.

Onika felt like her entire body was on fire and she didn't want anything more than for Beyonce to completely consume her mind, body and soul. She had missed Beyoncé's mouth on her own so badly that it almost brought her to tears. She whimpered into Beyoncé's mouth repeatedly instead as Beyonce shoved her up against the sink, never breaking the kiss but finally freeing her wrist so she could cup Onika by the back of her thighs and lift her up on the countertop.

They finally pulled apart for air and Beyonce dragged her lips down to Onika's neck, biting down roughly with a growl and Onika gasped as she pushed her hips forward. "When did that tongue get so fucking sharp?" Beyonce hissed as she bit at Onika's earlobe and then ran her tongue across it. Her nails dragging down Onika's thighs on either side of her hips.

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