Chapter 5: иєω ρℓαи!

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New Plan!

****Bella's POV****

It has been one in a half week since I found out that I'm pregnant. I look to be what, 6 months. Ever since I felt my little boy move, Carlisle and Kirsten have told me to drink human, I repeat, human blood. Oh, and yes I know for a fact that this baby is a boy. I'm gonna name him Carlisle Jr. I giggled, 'that name sounds so perfect for you my son.' I smiled and patted my 6 month stomach.

As I kept giggling, Amrita comes in and sits next to me. I raised my eyebrow in question.

"Is it alwight if I touch you belly? I want to feel the baby."

'Aww, to be honest, Amrita's pretty adorable. Aw what the heck, I'll let her.' I thought.

"Go ahead, Ammie." I just now have her a nickname, Ammie, short for Amrita.

"I don't like that nickname, it reminds me of a friend I had back at mommies other home. Oh, she kicked." Little Amrita said.

"She? She's not a she, she's a he. And I'm naming him Carlisle Jr." I told her.

Amrita looks confused, "but the baby's a girl, and I know she'll be a big daddies girl just like me." She smiled at the end.

I was going to argue with her but Carlisle walked in. I smiled at him.

"Hey." I said happily.

"Hello, Bella. How are you doing so far?" His sweet, husky voice sounds so perfect.

"I...I'm fine. long I need to w...wait to be t...turned?" I stuttered as I blushed.

I hear Carlisle sigh, then he put on a fake smile. 'Wait, a fake smile. What does that mean?' "Not long, you'll probably give birth before the wedding Bella. It didn't take Kirsten to give birth to the twins."

I nodded my head, 'I was gonna ask him why he has a fake smile on. Maybe I should? Great, he's getting up.' "Hey, Carlisle?"

"Hmm?" He turns around.

"Why did you put a fake smile on?"

He looked surprised that I noticed that. "I just...I...uh. I gotta go." He stutters then leaves quickly.

I sat on the couch shocked that someone like him was stuttering. It did sound cute when he did. "Man, I can't wait to have sex with him. He can stand in the room and watch me play with myself. Hehe." I mumbled as I chuckled.

I had completely forgotten that Amrita was in the room still. And the thing is, I said that out loud. 'Oh god, kill me now.' I thought.

I clear my throat, "just forget I said anything, okay Amrita." I gave her a nervous smile.

Amrita looks dumbfounded, "what does that mean? Who are you talking about?"

'Wait, could she not know that I am madly in love with her father, Kirsten's mate? Ohh, I'm gonna have fun with this.' I began to smirk evilly. Then I put an innocent smile on my face. "Oh just Edward, my soon to be husband. That's all."

"Oh, otay. I'm gonna go ask big brother Jay if he can make me food. Mommy is gone at the hospital filling in for daddy." And with that she gets up and runs to the kitchen where jasper is, I presume?

I began to feel tired, so I fell asleep on the couch.

****Japser's POV****

I was in the kitchen makin' mama some food when I hear Bella and Rita, Amrita's real nickname, talkin' 'bout my pa. Though Rita doesn't know that Bella's talkin' 'bout him. I guess Bella forgot the Rita was in there still. 'Cause Bella's emotions say she's freakin out. I hear her clear her throat.

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