[04] peiskos.

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(n.) the feeling you get when you sit in front of a fireplace and enjoy it's warmth


"Jimin-ah, start the car – if she's not ready, we'll leave without her!" Seokjin's voice resonates throughout the house. Taena struggles with her left boot and hops out of her room. "What do you gain by going this?" she asks, trying to lean on the wall for support.

"I told you to get ready early, we're already fifteen minutes late. Yeonjun and the guy you invited are probably there by now." Seokjin tells her pointedly, extending his arm for support.

Taena takes his arm and finally puts her left boot on, sighing in relief. "That guy, is Soobin-ssi, the person you give advice to. So, stop being hostile, it does not suit you, please."

Seokjin refrains from rolling his eyes and yells out to their parents that they're leaving. They decided that tonight Taena could spend it with her friends, but before she has to leave, they would go out as a family. Taena agreed with her parents and thus, tonight was planned.

"I'm so excited," she says happily, following Seokjin's actions by bidding her parent's bye. "As you should be; but remember my rules." Seokjin says slowly as they approach Jimin's car. Jimin had allocated himself as designated driver, which meant Seokjin would also be designated co-driver and only Taena, Yeonjun and Soobin (if Soobin did) would be drinking.

"No more than one bottle of soju per person, no touchy feely with my friends that happen to be boys and maintain a distance from them at all time. Understood, loud and clear." Taena repeats whatever she had been told and gets into the backseat. "Good," Seokjin responds, making sure her door is closed.

"I still cannot believe that you're allowing her to drink, 형." Jimin tells Seokjin as he pulls out of the driveway. "Trust me, neither can I. But, I'd rather her drink while being supervised then letting her drink alone or with people she doesn't know – speaking of which, absolutely no parties."

"Yes, 오빠, I agreed with it the first two times you said it." Taena sighs and looks out the window. It would be a twenty-minute drive to the restaurant so Taena busies herself in conversation with Seokjin and Jimin, the latter not being too responsive. Seokjin humours her, allows her to talk to him as much as possible without interrupting her. Even though he knows she's only going to be gone during the week, Taena knows that he'll miss her. Jimin too, even if he is too stubborn to admit it.

"Tell your hooligans that we're in the parking lot," Jimin tells her as he backs into a space. "Jimin-ssi, they're my friends." Taena says, stepping out of the car.

They walk into the restaurant and see Yeonjun and Soobin speaking to each other while waiting in the waiting room for the others. "See, they don't even need you." Seokjin says with a smile that lets Taena know she can go to them. She goes over to them while Seokjin and Jimin confirm their reservations.

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