Is Sad A Genre?//Fluff

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a/n- hey! So this is my first story on here and it's not the best, but it's a start. In case you didn't read the book description, this is how the book works. None of the stories are based around specific people, I keep it up to your imagination. All of the notes are below, requests are always open, thanks for reading! :) - E 

M/n - Band Members name

Y/n - Your name

H/c - Hair Colour

E/c - Eye Colour

"m/n?" you call as you open the door to your shared apartment. 

"Hi!" he smiled as he walked over to you and kissed you softly, "how was work?"

"Ugh, stressful. My boss wouldn't stop fucking looking over my shoulder every 5 minutes." You sighed and shrugged. "but I'm back now, and it's Friday so I'm free for 2 days" you smiled up at him.

"You always were so optimistic" he chuckled "movie night?" he asked the question as he led you into the living room, as if you weren't going to say yes to a whole night of popcorn, cuddles and the best movies around.

"You're the best" you smiled from ear to ear as you laid your eyes upon the piles of pillows and blankets, popcorn and snacks. You ran over to the piles of pillows and did a cannonball into them. 

"Y/n that's nOT THE BEST IDEA" M/n winced as he saw you land on the pillows.

"Coward" you laughed as you turned to face him. He stuck out his bottom lip and crossed his arms like a small child throwing a tantrum.

 "I am NOT a coward" you saw him holding back laughter. You walked over to him and crossed your arms.

"Prove it then" you motioned towards the pile of pillows and he smiled.

"CANNONBALL!" He shouted as he leapt into the air clutching his knees to his chest. His h/c hair flying over his eyes as he landed on the huge pile of pillows. You both burst out laughing, you had always loved his laugh. You sat next to him and laid your head on his shoulder 

"Seriously though, thank you" You looked up into his e/c eyes. You kissed him softly on the cheek

"Don't worry about it, now let's build this fucking pillow fort!" He shouted, you laughed and started building your beloved pillow fort.

-Time skip to after you had finished building the pillow fort-

You and M/n sat in your cosy little cave with bowls of popcorn and tons of other snacks, both in concerningly overly sized hoodies and started scrolling through Netflix. "So what you thinking? Comedy? Horror? Action? Romance?" He questioned as the light from the laptop lit up his features in the dark of the pillow fort.

"hmm, I'm thinking sad. Is that even a genre? I hope that's a genre" you both laughed as M/n turned to face you.

"So what sad movies have you not seen?" He asked.

"Well I've been hoping to watch (insert sad movie here)" You looked at him as his mouth hung open.

"YOU'VE NEVER SEEN (sad movie)?!" He shouted, smiling and quickly turning around again to search for it. "You're so fucking uncultured" He teased as he clicked on the movie and pulled you into his side. You smiled as he wrapped his arm around your waist. You laid your head in the crook of his neck and prepared yourself for some hardcore crying.

-Time Skip to about thee quarters of the way through the movie-

You were crying. A lot. It wasn't sobs though, it was that kind of crying where you just kind of let the tears fall. You had moved away from M/n for a laugh because he teased you for being sad around about ten minutes ago. You looked over at him and saw a couple of tears fall onto his cheeks. He looked back at you and smiled, "Fucking hell, you sensitive child. Come here" He laughed and wiped his tears away as you moved over to him and again. He kissed the top of your head "I love you" he smiled down at you

"I love you too" You said as you wiped some of the tears off of your face.

-Time skip to the credits-

You were crying. This time it was loud sobs. M/n squeezed you against him as you both sat up, your legs around his waist. You put your head on his shoulder and your arms around his neck, his scent filling your senses. "You okay?" He asked, he sounded genuinely concerned. You laughed through your sobs.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Jesus Christ that movie is sad." You laughed and raised your head. He started laughing as you wiped the tears off of his face. You leaned in and kissed him, he smiled through the kiss and rested his hands on your waist. You pulled away and smiled at him. "Wanna sleep?" you asked him hopefully. Crying is tiring.

"Sure" he got up and started walking towards the shared bedroom.

"Umm, M/n? Pillow fort?" You asked, still sitting cross legged on the floor. 

"We'll get it in the morning, don't worry about it." He said still walking to the bedroom. A few seconds went by. "Y/n?" He called as he poked his head around the door. You were still sitting on the floor. Arms crossed, bottom lip sticking out. Mimicking his behaviour from earlier on. "Are you not coming?"

"I'm too lazy to move" you stated

"You're fucking ridiculous, you know that?" he laughed, picked you up bridal style and carried you to the bed. You snuggled into him and fell asleep almost instantly, it was days like these that made you truly happy.

Word Count - 953

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