Chapter 40: The Final Battle

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# FINAL BATTLE 😱 We talked about this! Anime Sci-fi! Time to hit it!!

"I knew Mina from the moment I met her on my first day.."
"Mina.. was Nia. Who I thought I'd never see ever again.. I knew it was her from the beginning.."
"Huh? Chaeyoung..?"
"That kid, who doesn't want to leave Gilmore.. that precious little girl that loved her friends and didnt want to leave at all.."

"From that moment.. I loved her.."
"Awwww so touching.. too bad, you wont ever see my sister ever again" he smirked
"I will never give up without a fight.. this is between you and me.. LEAVE. YOUR SISTERS. OUT OF THIS!"

"Oh well.. if you say it that way." He smirked and began lauching forward in a blink of an eye. A sudden blockage caught Chaeyoung as Kato was launched back with a huge amount of power.. sliding him back to his position
"What the.."

Tzuyu and Dahyun appeared before Chaeyoung kneeling on the ground with strings of electric energy covering their body.
"You want to hurt Chae?.."
"You go through us.."
Both stood up in position, their brows were furrowed and eyes pierced over to Kato and their fist clenched.

"I see you got new upgrades." Kato wiped the blood of his lips "this should be fun... Lucky.. I've got a few upgrades of my own.." the chain he was currently twirling had a sudden burst of fire around it, burning his entire body. "You see.. this is an upgrade! A fireproof body shield, Made with metal and alloy, pumped with enough gas to keep me alive and.. INDESTRUCTIBLE!" He laughed once more and his army smiled devilishly with red glowing eyes.

"STOP IT KATO!" Mina shouted as she stood behind Chaeyoung
"We are done doing what you want Big brother.." Sana added as she stands besides Mina.

"You want our Chaeyoung? You go through all of us.." Nayeon stood up on the roof ledges and in the center of the alphas as they lined up on her sides with electric bolts and energy waves flowing through their body complete with weapons they are holding up.

"I see how you got upgrades for everyone... Too bad I am way smarter than your Japanese alphas" He laughed and pointed his arms upwards laughing like a Maniac "my army! Is twice your size!" The men behind him doubled in number "You really think I didn't come prepared for your powerful Alphas?" He laughed "let the games.. begin!" Lighting and thunder roared the sky and a strong droplet of rain began to fall.
Somi instantly launched over them. This indicated the queue for the fight. The alphas jumped away and towards the Men. the field was filled with partners hovering over to attack. Right before Somi reaches Chaeyoung, Tzuyu began lauching forward. blocking Somi from the attack. Somi's eyes were half cyborg therefore was half stronger than Tzuyu even with the upgrades. Somi launched daggers from the sky while Tzuyu instantly dodged the throw. Tzuyu jumped over Somi in a blink of an eye and kicked her below making her fall to the ground. Before Somi reaches the ground, she clasped both of her hand making her disappear from Tzuyu's vision and instantly reappearing behind her "You really think we only had strength upgraded" she laughed as she punched Tzuyu's side ribs making her fall to the ground. The fight continued on hand in hand.
Momo and Jeongyeon Replicas began launching towards Chaeyoung once again while Somi was kept busy by Tzuyu.. Dahyun stopped the replicas from going half way. Dahyun lifted her arms ready for a punch and a kick but she was in a 2 vs 1 situation. her every blow were blocked perfectly by the replicas. Jeongyeon dropped down from the sky hitting the floor making the waves pass through the rocks and break it instantly.
"Thanks.." Dahyun puffed
"I couldnt believe I could do that!!"
"Amazing isn't it?"
"These tech makes me look like a superhero!!" Jeongyeon poses with both her biceps up
"Now we know how Iron Man feels. and Damn this is just-" Dahyun was instantly punched by Momo, sending her flying across the field. Jeongyeon tried to avenge but was blocked by another Jeongyeon. "oh.. hey twin!" Jeongyeon joked. The replica smiled and Jeongyeon was pushed away "Okay! you are a no jam bro!" Jeongyeon clicked her neck and stanced ready for a fight.
Dahyun and Jeongyeon were facing the replicas and began launching to each other continueing thier blow for blow..
"Hey Nayeon! how are you doing!" Jackson smiled in the corner of his lips as he appeared hovering in front of Nayeon
"Jackson!" Nayeon punched right away but was deemed a miss when Jackson moved out of the way.
"aww! you missed.." he laughed and grabbed Nayeon by the hand "This should be fun!"
Kato was standing piercing his eyes onto Chaeyoung waiting for her to make a move. the field was filled with people fighting on their designated enemies. Sana and Jihyo are up against Mark and Yugyeom. Jackson with Nayeon. Tzuyu and Somi and Dahyun and Jeongyeon with the replicas.

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