Into the Jungle

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  • Dedicated to Mitch (BajanCanadian) and Jerome (ASFJerome)

Mitch POV

*The next morning*

                “Morning scroobs. Today is the day you will choose where you go. We have to signs. One with the word Forest and the other with the word Jungle. It is pretty obvious but which ever sign you choose, is the place where you go.” Captain said showing the two signs. “You will all pick, and get your loot pile and leave. If any of you are travelling together you leave together. After this I am no longer in control of your lives.” Alex and his crew walk right over to their stuff and walk to the forest sign. I figured. Joey and Britney grab their stuff and also walk over to the forest sign. Now it’s my time to pick. I can still go to the forest and let my life stay the way it is, or I can choose jungle and create a new name for myself.

                “Remember everyone, once you pick your side, you can’t change.” Captain adds in as I grab my stuff. I look at my friends. I smile at them and walk towards the jungle sign. I turn around to see shocked faces from everyone except Alex. Who had a smirk. I figured as much.

                “Mitchel, are you sure?” Captain said

                “Captain, you said that once we make our decision, we can’t change it. Even if I could, I wouldn’t.” I said holding my head high.

                “Ok then, everyone. You may say your goodbyes and head off to where you are all headed.” Captain said. Joey rushed over to me.

                “Mitch are you crazy! You will get yourself killed in there!” He said shaking me

                “Just maybe I am. Well this is goodbye for now I guess.” I say

                “Yes for now.” Joey said giving me a hug. It was going to be hard for me to leave my best friend like this. But he does have Britney. Those two should be fine. Let’s hope when they get out she won’t be pregnant. With that he heads back to the forest sign and leaves with Britney. I turn and face the jungle. I can’t believe it. I finally get to show myself how strong I truly am. I’m going to learn and live. When I make it out. I will be the most known person in the whole world. Let’s do this. I take my bag and sword and run towards the jungle. No one will ever stop me. I am my own man. As I reach the entrance to the jungle, I take a breath of mountain air and run in. Not looking back. Not thinking about anything of my past, only thinking of what will come in the next month.

                It has been a few days now. The canister I had with water was almost empty and I only had a few apples left. Crap this was stupid, why did I decide to do this, I’m going to die. No Mitch, you can’t think like that. You have to make the best with what you have. Next thing I know I see a cave in the middle of a hill. Perfect, shelter! I run towards it and check it out. Empty. I lay down my bag on the stone floor and pull out a few torches that I had crafted earlier and lit up the cave. It was small but perfect for just me. Now I had to go hunt for some food and make a bed. I go outside and cut down some leaves off the nearby trees and cut down a few logs. There now I have my bed now time for food. I make my bed in the back of the cave, take a few torches and put them on the outside of the cave. Then I go out hunting. I find a few pigs and cows and kill them. They drop a lot of food. This should last me a few weeks. The sun was setting, I had to get back to my cave before the mobs come out.

                I start running back to my cave and kill a few spiders along the way. The only way I will be able to kill anything that wanted to kill me in here I would need a bow. I’m good with a sword but better with a bow. I finally get back to my cave and flop down on my make shift bed. Next thing I know I hear a faint running of water. It’s coming from the other side if the cave. I dig around the rocks and reveal a stream of water. To my luck its fresh water. I take a handful of water and drink it. I didn’t realize how thirsty I was until I had a drink. It was like I couldn’t stop drinking. Once I had my fill I went back to my bed and lay down. I took off my hoodie and shirt and flopped onto my back. I was about to fall asleep when I heard a few branches break and a thump outside my cave. I grabbed my sword and walked slowly towards the entrance of my cave. I walked out to see a sight that most people wouldn’t believe. A bacca, laying on the ground staring up at me.

                “Please don’t hurt me” The bacca said pleading for his life. I look him up and down and I see that his leg was bleeding. He must have fallen pretty far to have caused that much damage.

                “I’m not going to hurt you……unless any one of your kind come and hurt me.” I said to the unknown creature. I look around to make sure nothing was near us.

                “I came here alone…… no one knows I’m here….” The bacca said. I look at this Bacca a few more moments until something inside of me told me to help it. We have always been told to be scared of these creatures, but this one looks so scared and weak right now. This is my chance to really see what these creatures are. I want to know if they are these evil things that kill people for no reason; or if they are just misunderstood like the rest of us. I go over to the bacca and offer him a hand up.

                “Come on, let’s get this cleaned up.” I say. “Name’s Mitch”

                “Hi, Mitch…….I’m Jerome. And you aren’t going to hurt me?” Jerome said.

                “Why should I? You’re not causing me any harm.” I told him. He smiled and took my hand. When he stood up, he was the same height as me. That’s odd, I thought baccas where supposed to be taller than the average human being. I brought him inside my little cave and lit the fire. I went to go put on some extra beef, when the bacca grabbed the beef right out of my hands.

                “DON’T COOK THAT!” Jerome yelled. “I like it raw.”


Sorry for not updating the story in a while. Busy with projects and tests. So, this is all i have for all of you right now. Update when I have more writen but until then, thanks you guys for letting me know that you have been enjoying it. It's great to have all this feedback. Anyways, talk to all you later <3


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